Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Today I went to visit a friend who had her second baby a couple months ago. She is beautiful! And fussy. :-( My poor friend can hardly set her down for 5 minutes without hearing her cry. The baby has some tummy troubles and is just generally high maintenance. My friend also has a 4 year old who needs Mommy as well. I had forgotten what it was like having a child and a fussy newborn...the sleep deprivation, the unnerving feeling of hearing a baby cry inconsolably, knowing your older child needs more attention, etc. It can become such a closed-in existence that's its hard to see the big picture. The good news is that it is only a season. Things will get better and it will all be worth it. Its funny how we (I think selectively) can forget those hard seasons that seem unending. Thank God He gives us hope and we don't stay in those dark days forever. Life goes on and gets better.


Anonymous said...

You are so wise. :-)

Leti said...

Selective thinking...yes, we do forget. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I had a colic baby. Colic was a living nightmare. He cried all day & night.Nothing worked, not even a car ride, vacuum running, change in formula, colic tablets,etc. All of our relatives thought that they had the baby touch, but they ended up giving him the same nicknames as we did, one of them being Sleeping Dragon. His cry was so ear piercing that it drove us(and the neighbors) literally insane. It's one of those conditions that you just can't forget. When Trinity was born I used to say how sweet the sound of her cry was because I was glad that she didn't scream all day and night.Actually, she slept through the night after the second month. I pray to God that this next one is not colicky. I also pray that no one ever has to go through that. But I am glad it's over, and I'm blessed to have (for the most part) an extreamly mellow child.


:corinne: said...

Oh I'm sure those memories are all precious! How fun to celebrate the birth in your friends baby. I just love babies!

:corinne: said...

I tagged you, check out my blog :)