Monday, December 24, 2007

This picture is a far cry from "Mom...cut it up please. Take the skin off please!!" See what a little TV can do for good? My girls were watching Playhouse Disney and there is a little blurb with two babies about picking and eating an apple. So now they both want whole apples to chomp on. So who says TV is a bad influence on kids? :)

A Great Reminder...

Each week I receive an email from MOPS. The one I received this morning contained the following:

The children were nestled all snug in
their beds, while visions of sugar plums danced in their heads.
(Clement Clark Moore)

Christmas Eve
Elisa Morgan, CEO
I kissed my grandson Marcus good night and his mommy carried him upstairs to bed. He was excited from the evening filled with new experiences: a chicken nugget dinner out at a restaurant, bright, glittery wrapping paper revealing Christmas jammies, a story read by candlelight beside a glowing Christmas tree, the promise of Santa in the morning. 'Twas the night before Christmas. A magical night filled with child-like anticipation, heart-warming memories-in-the-making, and snuggling "Nigh Nigh's."

"I love my beddie," Marcus pronounced just before falling asleep. "It's so cozy."

Don't we all? Comfy. Snuggly. Cuddly. Cozy. Ah ... those moments in life when we can wrap ourselves up in safety, knowing we are loved.

Long ago, one new family journeyed toward a place - any place - where they could stop and rest and be safe to deliver their firstborn. Comfy. Snuggly. Cuddly. Cozy. Such concepts were far from their reality. Instead, other words described their experience. Cold. Unwelcomed. Alone. Exposed. But God met them, showed them to a stable and covered them with his provision as Jesus, the Christ-child, came into the world.

As you tuck your little ones into their beds this Christmas Eve, with visions of sugar plums dancing in heads all around your home, pause to consider the lengths to which God went to ensure your comfort. In a stable, surrounded by animals, far away from extended family, with very young parents to watch over him, God's Son came to earth as a baby and was wrapped in the discomfort of rough cloth and placed on poky straw. From that beginning, he grew up as a carpenter's son in a common home and ended his life in the humiliating torture of the crucifixion.

Our God made himself very uncomfortable in order that we might experience true comfort in a relationship with him.

Thank God for your discomfort, Jesus.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Praise God, we made it to visit my grandma and aunt, uncle, & cousin. We had pizza, mac n cheese, and the cutest Christmas tree cake that Aunt Tammy made. Cousin Michele, Annie, & Bekah had a fun time running around the little apartment and we all enjoyed eachother's company. I'm so glad all 4 of us were able to go. With Jose having been studying and the recent illness with our girls, it hasn't been often we've been able to go places all together. On a VERY important side note - Jose is officially on break from school!!!! I have my best friend back!!! I know its only a couple of weeks, but what a freedom. I know he'll be excited to start again next month, but we're going to make the most of this vacation time as we can. He's out shopping and golfing right now (see...he's taking advantage of his break already!). I think we'll try to squeeze in a Christmas movie tonight once the kids hit the hay.

Oh Christmas Tree

Here are the lyrics to my version:

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree
How ever dry your branches
Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree
How ever dry your branches

They're dry becaaaause I plum forgot
To put some waaaater in your pot

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree
How ever dry your branches

Because of my lack of care for our tree, I'm not even turning on the lights again until Christmas, for fear of it going up in smoke. At least it still smells good. :)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

What A Life!!

Well for a couple days my Rebekah has had a stuffy/runny nose. Nothing serious, but still a bit bothersome. She decided to practice her sharing skills and passed it along to Annie as of this morning. So for the first time they got to experience breakfast in bed...they love it! I reminded them that Mother's Day will be coming around, no wait, I have an anniversary next month, no wait...a birthday even sooner than that! Let's see if what goes around really comes back around. Just in case, I'll take some stuffed french toast, hashbrowns, fresh fruit, OJ, and coffee. :)

I hope they get better before Saturday as we're suppossed to go visit my elderly grandma to celebrate Christmas on Saturday and I know we can't bring any sicknesses around her. We already missed Thanksgiving with her due to Bek's stomach virus. Thank you for any prayers you lift up!

Monday, December 17, 2007

A Visit to Nancy's House

This morning we drove to L.A. to visit my cousin, Nancy. We enjoyed lunch with her and Marina and Marina's friend. My girls love to play with Nancy's dogs and bird. They are such animal lovers! One day we'll have to get a pet for day when they're old enough to clean up after the beasts! :) For the 4th Christmas in a row, Nancy has bought my girls beautiful Christmas dresses and shiny shoes to wear for our festivities. We got to pick them up today...they're gorgeous cream and burgundy colored dresses. My girls are so happy. They still dress up in past holiday dresses and dance around to their Disney Princess CD in their room (they're totally girly). Thank you, Nancy!!

The Christmas Bunny

Apparently Bekah was confused about which holiday we're celebrating. :)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

And So It Begins

Last night we began the first of many Christmas celebrations for 2007. We had our annual dinner at Dad's. The salad, lasagna, garlic bread, panna cotta, and boston cream cake were delicious!! Dad is an excellent host and just like in every year past refuses any help to clean up the kitchen. Its just a time to enjoy family and food. We also exchanged stockings and were blessed with some fun and yummy goodies. As you can see above, our picture came out pretty good...everyone is smiling! Both of our girls' favorite stocking stuffers were there very own flashlights. My favorites are the "days of the week" magnets and the colored staples. If you remember from a former post, I am completely a nerd at heart. That is why I love stockings...they're filled with treats and office supplies! :)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

A Little Poll

I know this is an odd poll, but oh well. I want to know what your favorite smell is. If you read this post, please comment, even if you are anonymous. I want to know if anyone is as wierd as me. :) My favorite two are:

* the bag of Nestle semi-sweet chocolate chips right after breaking the seal

* the smell of a white washcloth the first time it is wet after having been washed, bleached and dryed. Mmmmmm!

Still So Innocent

I got a kick out of my daughter's innocence today. I had to take Annie to the Chapel Store because the one person she wants to buy a Christmas present for with her own money is her favorite friend, Ebony. She decided last week that she wanted to buy her a book about Jesus. Anyway, there were a couple of items I wanted to purchase there for Annie's presents and since our trips there are not often, I decided to try to buy them right under her nose. It worked!! She didn't have a clue!! I think by the time I was almost 5 I was already searching for my presents hidden in my parents' closet and under the bed. I hope this lasts awhile!

Monday, December 10, 2007

A Daughter After My Own Heart

Annie's newest fascination is Little House on the Prairie. Yes!!!! It is still my absolute favorite show of all time and I'm so excited that she has taken a liking to it. I own the first season on DVD, so that's what she has been watching. I can't help but watch it with her. I know every line before its spoken, yet I still find myself tearing up on each episode. It may be traditional and even boring to some (okay many), but there are awesome moral, spiritual, and family values that are upheld throughout the series. I'm amazed at how many topics have come up through the first several episodes that I've needed to address with Annie to broaden her understanding. Subjects like: outhouses (and how blessed we are to have indoor plumbing!), horses and wagons, childbirth (I was not looking forward to this topic but managed to find my way through it), horrid sicknesses that we don't need to worry about today because of vaccinations, the effects of alcohol abuse in a family, angels, and God's will in our lives even when ours doesn't match His. So, if anybody is Christmas shopping...Annie and I would love the second season! J/K!!! I'll probably end up buying it for her next month for her birthday. So tonight, she insisted on role-playing. Just call me "Ma" and Jose "Pa"...Annie is "Laura" and against her will, Bekah is "Carrie". I wonder how long this will last. :)

More Than Enough

After some words of wisdom, encouragement, and time spent in God's Word, I think my bug is going away. Hurray! Something the Lord ministered to me that He had in the past (and my feeble mind somehow dismissed lately) is that He sent His Son to pay my penalties and give me everlasting life...a hope that is living and will not fade away. Why would I ask for more? That's enough for me and all the abundance that He adds to it is just that...abudance. I love in Romans 8:32 how it says, "He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?"

I realize that usually I'm quite aware that I am only 1 in billions of people on this earth. But when I get into these little fits somehow it become all about me. Lord, may my heart be more thankful and faithful from here on out, focused on You and others, not myself. Your grace is sufficient, more than sufficient, for me.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

I Just Can't Kick This Bug!

No, I don't have the flu or a cold...I have a case of the "I Wants" and I've had it pretty bad the last month and a half. Warning: if you don't want a glimpse into the ugliness of my natural heart, stop reading here. Anyway, I know that I am truly blessed with an amazing husband, two healthy and beautiful daughters who adore me, a cozy little roof over my head, a fabulous extended family and a wonderful church family...the list could go on and on. But for some reason I find myself wishing for more and better. A bigger home to own, not rent and beautifully decorated. My children to be obedient and considerate all the time. My husband to be less stressed out and his time more available, even though I couldn't ask for a more honorable man who's desire is to be in school studying how to teach God's Word and make an eternal difference in people's lives. Unlimited funds to send my children to private Christian school. I want clear, pretty skin. I want to be able to buy whatever all of my family and friends want for Christmas. I would love to be that person who has to make numerous trips to the car to unload all the presents to give out. I would love to be able to just be out and about, see an item in a window and buy it because so-and-so would love it. I want to be able to meet others' material needs. I want, I want, I want. This is my discontent, my struggle, and one of the many areas of my life the Lord is working on. I have never regretted staying home with my children because deep down I know I need to be with them and all the material things don't hold a candle to the impact my presence and care have on them. I'm not willing to go back to work right now for these "wants". But somehow I've got to get out of this mentality. Now feel free to slap me around a little and tell me how ridiculous I'm being and to snap out of it. Meanwhile, I'm going to send my Christmas wish list to my cousin. :)

Monday, December 3, 2007


Today marks the 24th wedding anniversary for Jaime and Leti. Congratulations!! What a testimony to God's grace and love in their lives!


Happy 23rd Birthday to Jaime Jr.! May you have a great day celebrating the 23 years God has given you. Here's to many many more!!

My Privilege

On Friday, I had the privilege of meeting Baby Sophia. She is beautiful and looks like a tiny girl version of her big brother. Carin looks and is doing well.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Precious Audio Clip

My friend, Nettie, emailed this clip that was shown at CalvaryCCV last week. Take 2 minutes and listen to'll be glad you did.


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Useful Information

I just thought I'd share the official list our pediatrician gave me for controlling vomiting. We've done the BRATS diet before, but here is the doctor's list:

1. Dairy products (milk, butter, eggs, cheese)
2. Citrus fruits
3. Aspirin by mouth

A. In the first 12 hours nothing but clear liquids.
Frequent small amounts are best
bouillon broth

B. Next 12 hours give frequent small amounts. Add:
soup (not creamed)
soda crackers
apple sauce
toast and jelly
dry cereals (no milk)
tylenol by mouth

C. After 24 hours: (for older children)
skim (non-fat milk)
apples (no skins)
broiled chicken
cottage cheese
lean beef

D. Gradually add more foods next two or three days. Do not rush back
to full, regular diet.

Monday, November 26, 2007

What A Week

This last week has been a little crazy. And its not anything we were surprised at since Jose was given the opportunity to teach at church yesterday. We knew the enemy would be working overtime and our patience would be tested.

Monday the girls and I attended a birthday party for Cristian. His parents put so much work and creativity into this celebration. It would have been such a fun time if I hadn't dumped the cupcakes I brought and my 4 year old hadn't decided to be the "party-pooper" of the evening. There is nothing more humbling than being a mom. Its that whole lack of control thing. Even with consequences and rewards, I don't think its possible to change an attitude of the heart in a moment's notice. On Wednesday we had a nice day, getting ready for church in the evening. I made some pilgrim hat marshmallow treats for our Thanksgiving celebration at church and headed out the door. Bek started complaining that she felt pukey so I kept her out of class. Sure enough as Jose was holding her in the chapel she finally confirmed that she really felt pukey. Aside from the costly possibility of losing Jose's leather jacket to the vomit, we were so extremely humbled as another couple from church cleaned up the mess as Jose and I dealt with Bek. So that began the last 6 days of Bekah being sick. On Thursday, Jose was wonderful enough to send Annie and I to our Thanksgiving celebration while he stayed home to take care of Bekah. I had a nice time at Nancy's house visiting with my family, eating,playing fun games, and watching a slide show of my dad's trip to Africa. I have to say that Steve and Sue were the romantic couple of the evening...they still make a great pair after all these years of marriage. And I truly enjoyed talking to Peter about his religious studies major in college and his senior thesis he is beginning to write on the treatment of women in Puritanism. Good stuff. My respect for my cousin Marina grew as she had her head shaved in support of a friend who is battling cancer. Nancy was as hospitable as ever and it was nice hanging out with my dad, Jeff, Amie, Ben, Jessica, Grace, Nannette, Corin, and Uncle Claude. I missed Jose and Rebekah terribly and wished they were there. Friday I was able to get out my Christmas decorations and my favorite Christmas China (courtesy of Nancy and my wonderful late Aunt Terry). Saturday I was supposed to go visit my Grandma and have a little Thanksgiving with her, my mom, Uncle Mike, Aunt Tammy, Michele, Jeff & Amie, but Bekah started complaining again. So I gave up that get together. Later that evening the four of us bundled up and took a walk on the new walking/running/biking trail near our home to walk one mile (with the kids in the stroller) to return a movie and then walk home...I am SO out of shape!! Sunday morning we woke up excited for Jose to take the pulpit...then the puking started again. So Jose went to church solo...I was sooo bummed! I wanted to be there to support him so badly, but sometimes God has other plans. Some of Jose's family went as well as my dad. I've only heard good things about his teaching (I wouldn't expect anything else :) ). So Jose got to go to lunch with his family (now I don't feel so bad for having Thanksgiving with my side on Thursday :) ) and my dad came to visit the home-bound Ramirez's (thanks, Dad!). Last night I was up a couple times with Bek for some more vomiting episodes. To the doctor we went and he thinks its just the stomach flu and I should wait it out. OK! So I hope this week is less eventful. An awesome praise report I do have is that my good friend, Carin, had her baby girl on Saturday morning...Sophia Elizabeth. Mother and baby are doing well. Congratulations David and Carin (Josiah too!)!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Idle! Idle!

For a long time and especially lately I've been struggling with the whole Mary/Martha syndrome (see Luke 10:38-42). In the morning once my feet hit the floor I'm running. There are always a million and two things to do and in my head I know that I need to spend time with the Lord, consulting Him about my day, my attitude, my conduct, etc. I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that I need to be filled by His Spirit not to do, do, do, but to be who He wants me to be each day. But somehow my flesh creeps up and reminds me of the dishes, the vacuuming, getting the kids fed and dressed, the leaves that need to be swept, the homework Annie needs to complete, the bills that need to be paid, the garage that needs to be cleaned out, the emails to return, the dust to be dusted, the tub to be scrubbed, appointments to be made...and oh yeah! children to be tended to (they do like a little attention from mommy). So as I sit down to read and pray I feel less than productive. Does that mean I have little or no faith that what I'm doing is actually beneficial? Its like I'm scared that someone will come to accuse me of being idle...not being on my feet and running around accomplishing all my tasks. Sometimes I think that its because I don't have an offical job that I work 40 hours a week, contributing to society and putting in my fair share. So who am I to be able to sit and relax and receive? Now if another stay-at-home mom told me she felt this way I would be so quick to tell her of her worth in Lord and she does have a job - raising a family and caring for her home and contributing God-fearing, decent people to our society. I know in my head that it is a ridiculous idea to think someone will observe and accuse me because the only 3 people who see me in my home have never put a requirement of this nature on me. If anything I'm being told to just relax! But I came across a verse in my Exodus study that kind of hit home in this area for me. Pharaoh told the Israelites (when they were not meeting his expectations for his work quota due to harsh requirements) "You are idle! Idle! Therefore you say, "Let us go and sacrafice to the Lord.'" (Ex. 5:17) I guess Pharaoh is just a picture of my own flesh here.

Last Sunday, Pastor Peter gave a message not on how much we should love God, but on how we ought to realize how much God loves us and to really meditate on that. Its okay to ask God to bless me and to sit and just receive from Him. We are called to serve and be industrious, but all of that is a response to the amazing love the Lord has shown us through Jesus Christ. So Lord, help me to dwell on Your love for me, and not be afraid to ask for Your blessings. Help me choose that good part (spending time at Your feet) that will not be taken away from me, just like Mary did.

This Picture in My Head

In the mornings I'm reading through the book of Exodus. Something caught my attention the other day that I keep meditating on. Its a picture of how God responds when we cry out to Him:

Then the children of Israel groaned because of the bondage, and they cried out; and their cry came up to God because of the bondage. So God heard their groaning, and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. And God looked upon the children of Israel, and God acknowledged them.
-Exodus 2:23b-25

I just love imagining God through this whole process. He really does hear His children's prayers.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Operation Christmas Child

Today at MOPS we filled plastic boxes with a bunch of necessities and goodies for boys and girls all over the world. It was so much fun and it is overwhelming to think that there are kids who will be thrilled to receive toothbrushes and hair combs and a bar of soap. We are so very very blessed in this country. What a privilege it was to participate in this extension of God's love. My hopes as a mom is that I will be able to impart to my daughters the reality of poverty and those who are far less fortunate than us. Not only that, but since we are so abundantly blessed in this country, we are able to help!! Even if it is one shoebox at a time. If you want to know more about this project, visit

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Picky Piggies

I'm getting frustrated. In the last two months I have purchased 3 pairs of tennis shoes for Annie. Within a week, she complained about each pair being too tight on her little piggies. So, cringing, I headed to Stide Rite today because I know they really are well- made (and priced to show it!) and I figured the employees could measure Annie's feet and let me know what would be the best fit for her. The poor store associate must have tried 7 or 8 different pairs of shoes...with no satisfaction on Annie's part. The associate assured me they were not too tight as she moved her fingers around all parts of the shoes(sigh). The only pair of shoes she wears without complaining are some black Mary Jane's from Target. But even the tennis shoes from there are cause for complaint for my picky girl. I guess she'll be in those black Mary Jane's for a long time.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Grace!! Grace!!

This is what I was asking the Lord for this morning. The last week I've just been so irritable and short with my family. I can't stand being this way because I know how much it affects them. I don't want to be a scary mom. This morning as I finally stepped back into my morning devotion routine (which obviously the lack thereof was the main contribution to the ill treatment of my family) I confessed to the Lord my rude behavior and less than peaceable thoughts and asked for those amazing mercies that are renewed every morning. He's so faithful. I know He heard me and I know He's forgiven me and helping me speak and even think in a kinder way. In my "mommy" devotional this morning, it was talking about exactly what I was praying about. Here are a few excerpts:

"My words and actions are dark, sad, and probably, at times, scary to my children ( and hubby!). Basement days are those days that I can't recall saying "yes" to anything my children asked--days that I say "don't" fifty bazillion times, and I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and wonder how the wicked witch could have snuck into our house without my knowing it! As moms, it's easy for us to be basement people. Part of the reason is that there is so much correction, protection, and civility to pass on to our children. We can get in a rut of negative correction rather than training them in a loving way."

"We've all been around people that are basement influences in our lives. They drag us down and make us feel perfectly awful! On the other hand, a balcony person can encourage us like no other. They believe in us and don't mind saying so. We leave a conversation with them feeling like we could run a marathon! The good news is: We can be that balcony person for our children. They need us to come up from the basement, shine light, and breathe fresh air into their insecure, changing lives."

"Sometimes we nail our shoes to the floor of the basement because we aren't willing to budge on anything. Every chance you have, laugh with your kids. Stop and play. Just do it! Let them flick water in your face and squeal. Get on the floor and flip them or wrestle. Let them help with lunch, and count on having mustard stains on their clothes or pickles fall on the floor.

"Your child is more valuable to you than any "thing" could ever be. When you slip back into the basement ruts, remind yourself that you don't have to stay there. It's just a few short steps to the balcony!"

I am so thankful for my gracious God and my gracious family.

The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and great in mercy. - Psalm 145:9

Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. - Philippians 3:12

Family Fun Time

On Saturday, my husband, my dad, me, and my girls got to go to Knott's Berry Farm, courtesy of my dad. During the first few weeks of November, veterans and those currently serving in the military are granted free admission with one other free guest and the rest of your guests (up to 6) pay only $12.95 each. It really is a nice way to say "thank you" for serving our country. We had a delicious breakfast together and a really fun day. There was only a little crankiness on the part of my 3 year old. Other than that, it was great! Thank you, Dad!!!

P.S. If you notice something is different on me...its the glasses. :)

Saturday, November 3, 2007

"You Are My Sunshine, My Only Sunshine, You Make Me Ha-ppy! When Skies Are Gray..."

I just want to dote on my Annie for a minute. I almost broke out in the song above to her last night and I'll tell you why. With Bekah having been sleep-deprived and feeling sick, the last few days she's acted a bit, hmmm, is monsterish too mean of a word to describe her? Anyway, yesterday she was acting up all day long, unable to be appeased, whining, and being downright mean. I was having a really hard time keeping my cool. Annie totally sensed I was having a rough time and all day would go out of her way to be a good and loving kid. She would just smile and tell me "I love you, Mommy" and "you're so beautiful, Mommy", etc. She really did brighten my day with her attitude and extra love. Without that, I may have seriously lost it with Bek. Thankfully Bek had a little better attitude today, which I hope progressively improves over the next few days.

Speaking of "brightening up", did you notice the picture of Annie above? Yes, my little girl started using a sleep mask because her bedroom is super bright during the day and also Bekah has this thing now where she has to fall asleep with the light on at night. Annie wants it dark. So this sleep mask is our compromise. Is she a little princess or what?? Whenever I think of sleeping masks I think of Whitley on A Different World. You know, that late 80's sitcom? I know I'm wierd. :)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Too Beat To Blog

If anyone has noticed I've not been blogging lately, then they should know I'm either too drained from my busyness or I'm actually taking care of my responsibilities instead of being on the computer. :) Blogging is a fun thing for me to do, however, I try to put work before play. This last week has been so tiring and I suppose it is these crazy days and nights that I should actually make the effort to document since these are the memories I (think) I want to remember as I grow older.

My girls have been battling coughs and colds. My poor 3 year old just doesn't know what to do with that gross stuff she's coughing on. At first I thought she had a stomach virus because of all the dry-heaving and gagging. Come to find out its just a cold. Without going into much detail, I'll just say she sure is Auntie Lulu's niece. :) So between that and the bladder infection, we've made a few trips to the doctor's office, lab, and pharmacy. I think we're on the mend...I hope...I pray. I really need to sleep sometime this week.

I apologize to my brother, Jeff, as yesterday was his 32nd birthday and I did not even post a birthday greeting on my blog. But I did call...I hope that counts. Yesterday we drove to the doctor, waited, were seen, went to the lab, drove home for Bek to pee in a cup, drove back to the lab, then so that I would not make empty promises, drove to the pumpkin patch where they charge far too much for little kids to have fun, then drove to Ralphs to buy a cheaper pumpkin, then finally home for naps...which Bekah didn't do much of. Then I fought with the kids about their costumes. Bekah was just plain old cranky from her ailments and sleep-deprivation while Annie had a fit when I told her she must wear long sleeves under her costume if she wanted to be out at night while recovering from a cough. I finally won! We picked up Angie and headed to Hallelujah Night in Chino. We did have a fun hour...yes I only stayed an hour because I don't handle crowds well, especially while being responsible for two small children. Then to Grandma's we went to show her costumes and eat ONE piece of candy. Finally we got home. Ahhhhhhh.

Needless to say that between yesterday and getting out the door this morning my house was a disaster. Thankfully the talk this morning at MOPS was on organizning your life and how to keep a maintanence routine for cleaning your house. So as I walked in to my tornado-stricken home, I was mentally ready to conquer the mess. Praise God Bekah actually slept for 3 hours and Annie kept home looks pretty great now! Jose even surprised us by taking us to dishes to clean!! The speaker at MOPS had some good things to share and what blessed me the most was hearing somebody else say that we're not perfect, we can't do it all all of the time, and dishes and laundry will never be completely done...its a cycle. I am one of those people who if I'm going to clean in any room, I have to clean every inch of the entire room. The Lord is working with me on that and since I don't always have two hours to spend organizing a closet or deep cleaning my bedroom baseboards, etc. I need to learn to do a little at a time and stick to my routine.

Okay I'm really sleepy and I have some bills to take care of. I'll try to stay more on top of this blog in the near future. Thanks for listening to my ramblings!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Not Quite the Mother of the Year

Today I got to go help out at Annie's classroom Harvest Party. I was in charge of the cupcake table helping the little ones decorate their treats. It was a lot of fun getting to know Annie's classmates. Anyway, Annie needed to use the restroom so I took her. When I was going to help her pull up her tights I noticed something was missing...underpants! Hello! No wonder she'd been fidgeting in the morning. Sorry, Sweetie. Thankfully each child has an extra change of clothes at school so we were saved.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Just To Be With You

This evening at church we will begin going through the book of Ephesians with the youth. As I was reading through some of the verses in chapter 1, it just hit me how much Jesus loves us...

verses 4-5 "just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will,"

Its like Jesus saw you and said "I have to have that one there. I can't live without him/her. I will pay anything to be with him/her. I will even pay with my own blood if that's what it takes." And He did. That amazes me that without the certainty of having our love reciprocated He still paid the price with His blood, suffering the torture and shame of the cross. His love is unfathomable.

If you've never done so, click on the song in my playlist at the bottom of my page called "Love Song". Its from Jesus to you.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

It's Been Too Long

I've missed blogging in the last week so much! I've been so busy and I'll try to condense our happenings of the last week.

Last Wednesday the girls and I ventured out to The Huntington Library in San Marino with my friend from church, Claudia, and her 5 homeschooled children - Natalie, Ben, Lydia, Poeima, and Christian. What a fun and beautiful adventure. The kids had a great time looking at the beautiful gardens and running crazy through the grass field. Bekah almost perfected her somersalts that day. A little boy of about 8 or 9 years befriended Bekah. He sounded just like Charlie of "Charlie and Lola" with a heavy British accent. It was the cutest thing!! And Annie discovered a new special friend...Ben. She is quite taken with him and we hear quite a bit about him now. :) Yes, she is only 4...what will life be like 12 years from now???? I don't want to think about day at a time, Laura. :)

Thursday we celebrated my mom's birthday with dinner and presents and had a nice time together. In the evening we went to church and had some more great discussion amongst the jr. high and high school aged girls. I truly look forward to that time with them each week.

Friday we ventured out to Annie's school's Harvest Festival. We had a nice time, even though all my kids wanted to do was jump in the bounce houses. They don't give a hoot yet about games or even the goodies much.

Saturday I attended 3 parties. The first was a baby shower for my girlfriend, Carin. She is expecting Baby Sophie next month and we can't wait to meet her. Just by looking at the beautiful shower she was thrown, it was quite obvious how much Carin is loved. On we went to Elijah's 3rd birthday party. It was a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse party...super cute!!!! Bekah was dressed as Minnie Mouse and Elijah as Mickey...what a cute pair they made especially when they danced to "Hot Dog". After that it was on to Janel's surprise 30th birthday party. Okay, I'm tired all over again just from remembering that whole day.

Sunday was church and the message was great as usual. That afternoon I drove, or should I say rocked in the wind, to my dad's to watch this season's accumulation of Dancing with the Stars. Even though it was one more place to drive, it was so relaxing just sitting to watch TV and eat and converse.

Ahhh, now Monday was nice...I didn't even leave the house! I got to clean!!

Yesterday was Bek's birthday. Annie stayed home from school due to a barking cough. Grandpa came over to help make Bekah's day special and he brought her a new kitchen! She loves it!! It is in our dining area so she can work in her kitchen as I work in mine. After her nap, the girls played and then we went to Albertson's to pick up her cake. The plan was to meet Daddy for pizza (Bek's birthday dinner choice) and then have Finding Nemo cake. That was our plan anyway. We ended up in urgent care due to a urinary tract infection with Bekah (happy birthday huh?) and Annie's continuing bark. We waited for almost an hour and half (though I'm not complaining...thank you Lord for doctors, medicine, and our health insurance). So on we went to drop off a prescription as we're all starving at this point. We didn't make it to Victoria Gardens for pizza as planned. We ended up at Pizza Hut/KFC. Then back to the drug store to pick up the medicine and back home again. Finally we had Nemo cake and got the kids ready for bed. They were both up for much of night off and on with their ailments, so please forgive the lack of creativity in my writing today. I'm a bit tired. Poor Annie missed out on her first field trip today. They were suppossed to ride the school bus to a pumpkin patch, but with her cough, etc. it just didn't work out. My mom came to visit and bring Bek her birthday presents today and we had a nice visit. Both Annie and Bek are beginning to feel better and hopefully our normal lives can resume tomorrow. (sigh)

Thank you to Auntie Lulu and Nettie for the e-cards for Bekah's birthday!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Today is our baby girl's 3rd birthday already! She brings so much joy and laughter to our home and we couldn't imagine our lives without her. We thank the Lord for the gift of our little Rebekah Rose and pray that He gives us many many more years to enjoy her. Happy Birthday, Bek. We love you!!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Birthday to my wonderful Mom! We'll be celebrating with dinner and presents later. My mom is and always has been the best and in the past 4 1/2 years I've seen her be an awesome Grandma to my daughters. We love you!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Chicken Donut

Last night I tried something that I'd been wanting to do for a while. My kids love the chicken stars from Carl's Jr. So I thought, "I can do that! And I bet mine will be healthier and less expensive, at that!" So I tried using a cookie cutter on boneless skinless chicken doesn't work. Neither does using a knife freehand. So we didn't have chicken stars last night...we had some odd shapes and the chicken that was not cut out made for what looked like a chicken donut with a hole in the middle. Back to the drawing board.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Happy Birthday to my Grandma...even though she won't ever see this blog. :) She is 82 years old today and still as sweet as when I was a little girl. The highlight of her week is to go to her apartment complex's Bingo night. And she gives all of her winnings (which is usually an average of $2-$3 per week)to my girls for spending money. In the picture above, she is standing with the person she loved most, my grandpa. He passed away last year. They had been married for over 50 years!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Today would have been my Aunt Terry's birthday. She passed away 2 1/2 years ago...and I miss her terribly. I was especially sad as I searched through my pictures of her for the above slide show. She had a heart of gold and was the most generous person I've known. As you can see in the pictures, she would go all out for Thanksgivng and Christmas...which are some of the most wonderful memories I have. She truly brought the magic to our holiday gatherings. So here is to Aunt Terry and all the wonderful memories she created for so much of the family.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back...

(Big Sigh)...well I thought we were making progress with Bekah, and in some things we are. Bekah will be turning 3 on the 23rd of this month and there are two goals I had hoped to accomplish by then....have her potty trained and have her pacifier done away with. Yes...I know, that pacifier should have been long gone two years ago. But I always had some reason or excuse as to why she still needed it...either we had just moved or she was sick and needed comfort or I didn't want to wake the house (or neighborhood) during the withdrawal period. So anyway, goal number one is almost attained. I am proud to report (and so is Bekah) that she is wearing big girl underwear just like sister! Yay! Although she did pee on me at the dentist's office this morning but I think that was a reaction to her fear (as was biting Dr. Ma's finger) embarrassing. Other than that, we're on our way. As for the other goal, I really thought yesterday we said farewell forever to the muk (yes, we call the pacifier a muk pronounced mook, not something cute like Binky or Paci) as her last one got some holes in it. Bek knew it had to go in the trash and as I held her she reluctantly said "good-bye" and tossed it. I have never seen such a sad face on my little girl. We cried together (I know I'm pathetic) but she loves loves loves her muk. Sleep evaded she and I last night and she was a pretty cranky girl today. After seeing all her sadness and my lack of sleep, I caved and ran to Target about an hour ago to pick up a new package of muks. Hey, at least they were on sale! Her rule is that she can only use them in her bed. So that leaves one happy Rebekah and one frustrated but soon-to-be-rested mommy.

What Makes Children Happy?

I've always heard it said that the best thing a parent can do for a child is to love his/her spouse. On Thursday afternoon I spent the afternoon at my mom's house and as I was freshening up Annie excitedly came asking me to look at a picture. So I walked with her to my mom's bedroom thinking it would be a picture of herself with Bekah or something like that. But no, it was a picture of Jose and I on our 5th anniversary. She said, "Whenever I see this picture it makes me realllllly happy." That warmed my heart to know that she feels secure and happy when mommy and daddy are together.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I Love Finishing Projects

Last night I stayed up finishing a project that I started a long time ago. I made an animal letter for each letter of the alphabet to put up in the girls' room. Annie and Bekah think they're pretty fun and they know the song that goes along with them. One of the things I miss about working outside of the home is that fulfilling feeling of finishing projects and being visibly productive with visible results. I've been really contemplating homeschooling lately and I don't want to make a decision based on it being something I think I'd enjoy, but what my children would benefit from most. I do think I could teach them if the Lord called me to do it, and lately I've been finding out that homeschooling can include classes with other students, tons of field trips, and even involvement in public school's extra-curricular activities. There is so much to weigh, but ultimately I want to do what the Lord calls me to. We'll see!

My girls have been excited to help out in the kitchen lately (I hope this enthusiam continues for years to come). Bekah was quite proud of herself as she scrubbed potatoes for dinner last night. And Annie had a great time today learning to make apple pie. I'm determined to pass down as much practical knowledge that I can to my daughters. This really is a fun stage of parenting...and after last week, I could certainly use a little fun in this area of life.

I'm learning to be content and truly enjoy each day with all of its tasks. God gives us each day and each season of life to live for Him. I don't want to be constantly looking forward to the next big event or the exit of a certain stage of parenting. I want to fully enjoy and make the most of what I've been blessed with.
Just some thoughts I've been thinking lately. :)

Another Special Birthday *30*

Happy Birthday to our good friend, Chris.
Jose and Chris have been friends since they both became Christians over 12 years ago. We love Chris and his wife Melanie and all of their children. Sorry about the picture...I would have liked to have posted one of Chris with his family but all I could find in my computer files was him holding Bekah the day she was born.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Calling All Creative Geniuses!!!

My four-year old decided she wants to be a snail for the 31st. Does anybody have any ideas on how to make a costume...namely a shell? I can't find any costumes ready-made in the store or online. Thanks in advance for the ideas!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Answered Prayer

The picture you see is of a precious girl from church, Fatima. She was so happy yesterday at church when she told me of the answers to prayer she's been getting. Without going into much detail, Fatima has not had a very easy life. She is 17 and in the last month or so has suddenly needed to move out of her mother's home. She wants to go to college to become a fashion designer. However she doesn't have supportive parents or really any means to accomplish this. But we've been praying and praying and within the last two weeks, the Lord has provided a place for her to live, a job at JoAnn Fabrics (which is the type of store she wanted to work at), and her own phone. The thought of having to grow up all of a sudden and become self-sufficient can be daunting. But as Fatima is seeing first-hand, we truly cannot be self-sufficient...God's grace is what suffices and it is through the power of prayer that He makes His grace evident.

Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. - 1 John 5:14

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Or what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!
-Matthew 5:7-11

Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. - Psalm 37:4

For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. -Psalm 84:11

Friday, October 5, 2007

Just Call Me "Queen Itchy"

This morning I went for my scratch test with the allergist. They did the test on my back...43 pricks with 43 different allergens. Almost immediately I began getting itchy. I had to wait 15 minutes before moving to allow any reaction to occur that was going to. Oh my goodness...that was the loooongest 15 minutes of my life! I was so stinkin' itchy and irritated and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. I was stuck in the small room with nobody else around...not even a TV (I may offer a humble suggestion to put a TV in the room for distraction purposes). I tapped my fingers, bounced my feet, sang quietly to myself, and ultimately consciously counted each chew of my gum. Finally the nurse came back in and as soon as she opened the door her eyes got big and she said, "whoa!". I was sooooo allergic!! Once she documented the results she told me that I reacted to everything except maybe four or five allergens, and most of the those reactions were a "4" on a level of 1-4, with 4 being the highest. She was kind enough to apply calamine lotion and give me a strong anti-histimine to take home. They'll be calling me soon to set up my first shot visit. I don't know yet how often I'll have to go, or how may shots each time, but I'm sure happy to be on my way to a better quality of life.

I had planned to run errands after my appointment since I was without the children, but no way! I raced home to jump in the shower and grab my Benadryl itch-stopping cream. Once I got home I checked out my back, which I had not yet seen, and was pretty disgusted with what looked like a checkerboard of huge hives. I invited my husband to join my pity-party and he certainly did. :)

I'm much better now, especially psychologically. A few people who will read this may remember the craziness I went through in May, June, and July as my allergies began manifesting themselves through my skin. I seriously thought I had scabies and I was completely grossed out. I visited the regular doctor many times and even made them give me the medication to treat scabies. I know so much about that particular condition now because I would research it constantly on the internet...which made the power of suggestion even worse. I would feel so guilty every Sunday holding the babies in the church nursery thinking I would be passing on an infectious condition that would make their little lives miserable. I would turn my house upside down vacuuming and washing tons and tons of laundry. It totally consumed me. Yet I never got a diagnosis for any such thing. Finally I asked for a blood test which came back positive for so many allergens. Still, I thought I had some gross condition that made me itch fiercely from head to toe. I think I am now completely convinced I don't have any gross condition. :) I have a back full of allergic reactions to prove it!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Thursdays are usually one of my favorite days of the week. It's also one of my busiest "on the go" days as I take Annie to school, attend MOPS, pick up Annie, then head back out in the evening for church. MOPS was again so nice to be a part of today. The speaker addressed the issue of how our adult relationships affect parenting. He described four parenting styles and one which we all agreed is most desireable is "authoritative" which means we treat our children as adults, yet expect them to act like children. We set boundaries in which they are free. The most important aspect of this style of parenting is consistency in discipline. Oh how I've been asking the Lord for help in this area this week. Wisdom in my parenting has been my heart's cry the last few days (its been a wearisome last few days). Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing anything right at all. Then usually the Lord will show me that yes, I am, however not all the time. Consistency...its not easy. Anyway, the speaker talked about the two parents in the home being a team. There should be no "good cop/bad cop" so to speak. It was interesting information and I agreed with everything, for the most part.

We had a good time at church tonight with the youth group. Our cousin, Joser, guest-taught and gave an encouraging message. We also had a girl come in for the first time who just wanted to check things out at the church. She turned out to be such a blessing as she ended up giving her testimony of what the Lord has done in her life and encouragement to the rest of the kids to walk with God even in their young age. I thought this was so great because they need living examples of teenagers who love God and really do live for Him. The young girls in our church just fill my heart with so much joy. You can see a picture of a few of them in this post. There are some who you can just tell really have a hunger and love for Jesus and if they stick to pursuing Him, will be used mightily in His service.

Tomorrow I finally go for my scratch test with the allergist. Yay! Relief is in sight!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Regarding "Why Do Children Yell and Interrupt?"

When I looked back over my post, I realized I may look as though I am making excuses for undesirable behavior. I'm not. I didn't place enough emphasis on the manners a child should regularly possess so please forgive me if I sounded like we need to always please children and put aside respect for adults. More than anything, it was self-reflection on what I've observed in my relationship with my children. Thank you to everyone for your comments, contributions, and encouragements.

A Morning With Grandma

This morning Bek and I spent some time visiting my mom while Annie was in school. Bekah loves to go to Grandma's house and she gets such a thrill out of just taking a walk to collect the mail and putting together puzzles with Grandma. Sometimes the easy and free things are the best!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Why Do Children Yell and Interrupt?

I've been dwelling on this question for a while now. Here are my thoughts and I'd love to hear yours.

Personally, I verbally have taught my daughters that we should not interrupt others, particulary adults, when they are speaking and also that we should not yell, scream, or whine to be heard. Do they always obey these rules? No way! And here is what I have observed (which I am ashamed to admit):

So many times I have interrupted my own children, whether to finish a sentence for them because of my own lack of patience or out of translation to another who doesn't quite get what my little one is saying (which is understandable). I also have been guilty of interrupting simply because I stopped paying attention to what the child began to say (which means the child probably lost their train of thought) or because something more important, or what seems like it at the time, came up. Currently my 2 year old yells, "Excuse Me!!!" when she realizes I've stopped paying attention or someone else began talking over her. It may not be the best approach for her and I'll work on modifying it, but can you blame her? How horrible is this? I have not been walking my talk or practicing what I preach! I would never treat an adult in this why should I treat my precious little girls so rudely? What am I teaching them? That they are less important? You know what I've also noticed? Other adults, but not all, do the same thing to my kids (and I'm sure its not unique to my own children). I was watching my daughter's preschool teacher and she is so patient with each child. She does not hurry them along when they speak, studder, forget what they were saying, or repeat what they just said a few minutes ago. I want to be this way. Please join me in being aware that the little children in our lives are people too...with feelings and things to say that are important in their own little world. Some (like mine) don't always speak up or hurry up in their speech, but they still deserve the same courtesy we are shown by others. Thanks for listening to me rant and share my heart. I'd love to hear your perspectives on this issue.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

I Love Sundays

Another long, but full and fun Sunday. We headed off to church this morning like usual. Thankfully my sinus medication kicked in around the time we arrived at church and I wasn't too bad off the rest of the day. The message was great, again. :) We were in Ephesians 2 which talks about God's saving grace and how no man (or woman, for that matter) has grounds to boast about salvation or the good works that stem from it....its all God. Even our response to His call is not of ourselves because He was the one initiating it all along. Peter brought up a good point. He said that those who are not believers sin out of ignorance of God's requirements. But for those who are aware of what God desires and also what He calls sin, when we sin, we do it with a high hand, or basically a fist in God's face. Wow...I'd never thought about it that way.

I was able to serve with our little children today. Our church is still small and so all the children ages 0-4 share half of a room. There are a few pictures in the slideshow below of some of the children. You may notice a picture of Bekah playing with Mr. Victor. Bekah always asks him "Where's your hair???" She's pretty forward that way. This afternoon our fellowship held a baptism and I was sorry I was not able to attend. One of our high school girls got baptized and I would have loved to have witnessed that.

After church we came home and had lunch. Then Dad stopped by to deliver Jose's birthday present and visit for a while. And what a fabulous present it is!! New golf clubs!!! Jose was so excited that a couple hours ago he went back to the driving range. I think he'll become a regular now. You're the best, Dad!

In the later afternoon Jose's sister, Monica, came over with her family. We love them so much and don't get to see them nearly enough. They live in the high desert and with all of our busy lives, our visits aren't often enough. We all went to our family favorite...pho. Leti and Angie joined us and we even had our favorite waiter, Coongh. We moved on to ice cream for dessert next door and then had to end our visit with Monica and her family. Leti and Angie came back to the house to visit while Jose went to the driving range. We had good coversation and a good time figuring stuff out on our blog templates.

We're so blessed with our families. Life isn't always peaches n cream and sometimes the grass does seem greener on the other side, but when it comes to family and friends, we couldn't ask for better.

1st MOPS Meeting

I have a couple of spare minutes so I thought I'd share about the first official MOPS (Mothers of Pre - Schoolers) meeting I attended on Thursday. First of all, everything was beautiful. The tables are set up with pretty tablecloths and centerpieces, little goody bags for each mom, and a nametag indicating where to sit which I love since I don't know anybody there at all. :) There was a large banquet of food in the middle of the room which looked so inviting. Once we began we met the other ladies at our table and chowed down! From what I understand, there will be this wonderful breakfast for every meeting! They moved on to some announcements and even handed out little presents for first-year members as well as little presents to moms with a birthday or wedding anniversary in the month of September. And also presents to moms who have just had new babies (apparently this is a very giving group of women). I enjoyed what the speaker had to say. Her topic was on the importance of female companionship. She asked us if we ever babysat for our friends, if we've ever taken a meal to another family when the mom was ill or had just had a baby, etc., if we rearrange the car seats to fit children other than our own, and other questions about the kind of friends we are to other moms. As she made her point about the things we can do to be there for one another, she moved on to a much more difficult question. Can we (I) receive this kind of friendship? Wow...that is humbling. Seriously, who wants their friends to come into their home to clean? Who wants their friends to come take the kids away for a few hours when you're tired and overwhelmed and at your wit's end, admitting you can't be "Supermom" all the time? Not me!!! It is more blessed to give than to receive, yet so many times it is easier to give than receive. Friendship goes two ways and her point was that we need to be humble and willing to receive when its our turn. It was pretty enlightening for me, but definitely made me so grateful for the wonderful friends I've been blessed with.

Saturday, September 29, 2007


This evening Jose and Joser took Angel and Annie to the driving range. Golfing is Jose's newest favorite pastime (not that he has much time to pass with his studies and all :) ). Annie has been wanting to go with him and tonight she finally got to.

3 Years Old

Happy Birthday to our little friend, Julianna Gonzalez.
She's such a cutie pie!

Friday, September 28, 2007


Well today we had lots of fun. We had a lazy morning and then off to Auntie Leti's house to enjoy a lunch she made in honor of Jose's birthday. She made one of his favorite authentic Mexican dishes, Chile Verde along with her famous Spanish rice to which no other compares. We enjoyed good conversation and also set up a blog for Leti! :) Can't wait to start reading it!

Then off to the fair we went (thanks to my mom's good friends, Tina and Gerry, who passed on free tickets to us). We had fun and did mostly kid stuff like the petting zoos and Daddy won the girls stuffed animals. Then Annie cried the whole way to the car because we didn't buy a $7.00 balloon. Sorry kiddo, but even if we were rich I don't think we'd make that purchase just out of sheer principle.

We drove to Anaheim while the girls slept and ate dinner at our favorite BBQ joint, Chris N Pitts. When we got back into town we stopped off to get the girls .79 cent balloons at Party City (a much better deal) and headed home.

All in all it was a good day, except my allergies...they're killin' me!!! They have gotten progressively worse over the last few years and have even developed into skin allergies. So I feel and look a mess, BUT! there is a light at the end of the tunnel for me. Next Friday I'm scheduled for a scratch test with the allergist. Bring on the needles cause I am soooo done with this hindrance. I hate feeling this way because I know I get extra cranky and short with my family. Alright, enough complaining for one evening.

Happy Birthday Jose!!

My husband is 31 years old today! We're so thankful we have him and we're looking forward to celebrating him today. I'll post some pictures later.