Thursday, March 26, 2009

"Blessed are those whose strength is in You, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage" Psalm 84:5

Remember I mentioned one of the speakers, Catherine Martin, from the women's retreat I attended? Well I bought one of her Bible studies called "Father, Lead Me on a Pilgrimage of the Heart". It is a little different than other studies I have done because it supplies a complete devotion. The acrostic the author uses for devotions is: P.R.A.Y.E.R.

Prepare your heart
Read and study God's Word
Adore God in prayer
Yield yourself to God
Enjoy His presence
Rest in His love

Even though I am only on day 3, I am thoroughly enjoying this devotional. I wanted to post a few quotes that stand out to me.

"Keep in mind that quality time leads to quality of relationship. The more time you spend with God, the more intimate your relationship with him will be. Intimacy with God is the goal."

"To be on pilgrimage means to find your home in God while journeying in a foreign land until you reach your grand destination: heaven."

"A heartset is a deep determination and resolve that flows as a passion from the heart. It is your response to God's call to pilgrimage. It is the determination and resolve to find life where life is really found: in Christ alone."

"What is the result of setting your heart on pilgrimage? The blessing of God. The word 'blessing' is used throughout the Bible The New Testament word for blessing is 'makarios', which means one who possesses God's favor and, as a result of being indwelt by Christ through the Holy Spirit, is fully satisfied no matter the circumstances. 'Makarios' (blessed) is the one who is in the world yet independent of the world; his satisfaction comes from God and not from favorable circumstances."


Mrs. R said...

I love that second quote. Thanks for sharing!

Leti said...

Okay...another book for my library - I simply love Book:) especially those that challenge you to walk closer to the LORD and make you think.

Jannette Thrasher said...

That is SO cool. The other day I was driving down the street. My eyes kept wandering at all the homes, thinking how nice it would be to own them. I saw a street called PILGRIM street. Right then and at that moment Gods Word spoke. Jesus Said;Let not your hearts be troubled. I go to prepare a place for you. John 14:1.

Anonymous said...

Ooo, that is rich:
satisfaction from God & not from favorable circumstances.