Saturday, August 2, 2008

Does My Daughter Have A Sixth Sense?

I sure think so. Bekah had a dentist appointment scheduled for 8am this morning. We did not tell her about it because she is so very frightened of the dentist. She already has had dental work done and is somewhat traumatized. But I think she somehow sensed our plans for the morning because she woke up with a tummy ache. About an hour later she was revisited by her morning OJ. Well, the appt. had to get canceled. She continued getting sick for a few hours, took a nap, and woke up a brand new person. She's been eating and drinking and playing with Annie. She had to have known about that appointment.


Anonymous said...

I hope she's ok. I have to take Zeekie soon to get a checkup.


Leti said...

I wonder what she will do on her next appointment...hummm.