Saturday, August 2, 2008

Yesterday I took a trip to Target for our last few school supplies and while checking out, the cashier asked if Annie (she was with me) was starting school this year. And I replied, "Yes, actually we're going to start homeschooling this year." I was anticipating some opposition but instead was met with ,"Oh, I'm homeschooled. I'll be a senior this year." I don't like judging people, especially by outward appearances. This girl just totally surprised me because she had 2 lip rings, crazy makeup, and crazy hair. She said she had been homeschooled all her life and is totally for it. She would do it with her own kids if she had any. Once again I was pleasantly surprised when it came to a homeschool conversation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You'll be surprised at how many people are pro home schools. In spite of its good reputation you may get a funny look or comment every once in a while, but most people are interested in how home school is done. Even if their questions about it may seem a little uncertain, it’s more out of curiosity. I love it when people ask.