Thursday, May 7, 2009


Why is it that before I had 2 children I was always early, or at the very least on time and now it is next to impossible for that to happen??? No matter what time of day, we always make it out the door about 10 minutes past when I wanted to leave. There is nothing more frustrating for me!

Why is it that I feel like I am CONSTANTLY cleaning out my pantry and fridge?

Why was I super excited to go grocery shopping today? Was it because I worked hard on planning my shopping according to the store sales or because I clipped several great coupons knowing I'd save a ton of money ($83.09 to be exact)? Those are great reasons, however, I ask why does going to the grocery store actually excite me, at all?? Is that as ridiculous as getting a great new vacuum cleaner last September being the highlight of that month?

What are some of your whys?


Anonymous said...

I ditto the why can't I leave on time thing & I actually like going grocery shopping too, when I'm ALONE, and I think that's why I like it... it's alone time! :)

Dad said...

I like grocery shopping too because it feels good to bring in supplies for another week. I'm usually on time because I'm the only one for which I'm responsible!

Melody said...

I am right there with ya on thegroceries! I get all giddy when I get to use all my coupons (considering I spend so much time clipping and printing them!) and see how much I've saved!

Sandy said...

Yes, tomorrow I will have the paper for the first time in years delivered to my door and you know I will be clipping coupons before church so I can have an "exciting" trip to the store! LOL

Mrs. R said...

You got $83 and some change in coupons? Wow...that's impressive. And if it makes you feel any better, you always seem to be on time to me...