Thursday, February 21, 2008

I am so stirred up right now. I can honestly say I sense the Lord is calling me to begin homeschooling Annie in the fall. In October I wrote a post that talked about maybe homeschooling but I wasn't sure. But as I've continued to seek the Lord's will, I really sense that I should give my children a biblical worldview in their educations. As much as I would love to send them to a private Christian school, it seems the Lord has closed that door both financially and in my heart. Jose and I are still going to be doing a lot of researching about all the aspects of homeschooling such as curriculum, socialization, extra-cirricular activities and of course the legal aspects of homeschooling. I know a few homeschool moms and I'm so excited as tomorrow I get to observe a typical school day at my friend, Nettie's, house (classroom) :). I want to understand all of the pros and cons of this huge responsibility and more than anything be sure I am in the Lord's will.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you're doing all of the necessary research to ensure a well-rounded and quality education. Our Lord will guide you along the way.

:corinne: said...

Totally a huge decision. Praying the Lord will really direct you in the right direction! You'll be a great homeschool mom by the way! Hope all is well...did you get my letter in the mail???

Jess Stevens said...

What an awesome adventure to follow Lord's direction in. I'll be praying that He speaks to you clearly on all the aspects you have mentioned.