Thursday, April 16, 2009

More Homeschool Stuff

Here are a few pictures of our recent activities during school at home:

While working through our "rock" unit, we built a mini volcano and the girls loved it when it erupted (with baking soda and red food-colored vinegar).

During math, the curriculum required me to get out the pattern blocks so Annie could name the shapes and colors. The instructions were then for her to take a handful and make a design (like a flower or shape). Should've know...Annie decided to make a whole family - mom, twin sisters, and a dad. This is just an example of how her little bright mind works. She wants to decorate everything and give everything a story. It takes us a year and a day to get through 1 math worksheet, not because she doesn't understand, but because she decorates the numbers, draws an elaborate word picture, or colors 3 colors in a nice pattern to fill in a 1 inch square. Lord, give me patience!!!

This week we are learning about butterflies. Its a lot of fun and part of the unit is to watch caterpillars go through their metamorphosis and wind up as painted lady butterflies. We received our 5 caterpillars in the mail on Saturday and I would honestly say they've grown at least 10 times their original size. I don't know when I became so squeamish, but they look DISGUSTING to me! Ewwww! I hope they hurry up their process and turn into beautiful butterflies. I guess its a really good picture for me of how God takes our ugliness and nastiness and transforms us into something beautiful. After all, the girls' words to remember for this unit are "God can make me new".


Jannette Thrasher said...

I love the reaction from the kids when the valcano erupts. Calvin made one last week that flowed outside our gate. It was all over. Very fun curriculum.


Leti said...

I absolutely love these pictures! You year of school seems to have been fun. Annie can sure make some wonderful and creative!