Thursday, April 16, 2009

Blessed Are the Flexible

Some of you may remember my idealistic daily homeschool schedule I created and posted for my own reference. For those who don't, click here.

No wonder a veteran homeschool mom straight laughed when I told her about my schedule. I am a structured and organzied planner from the core, and I cannot function any other way. However, I've had to learn that not everyone is like me and my children could really care less about running according to schedule. Lately they've been in the habit of watching TV first thing in the morning, leisurely eating breakfast in that same spot and then giving me a horrible time about getting dressed and transitioning to school. By the time that all happens, I'm so frustrated that we're not on schedule and then we all have bad attitudes. School then becomes something to trudge through instead of have fun with. So this week, we have not been turning on the TV at all before school. They come straight to the table to eat and we move right into school from there. I'm giving in on the whole getting dressed and beds made, etc. before beginning class. It so worth it for good attiudes, fun learning, and ending school around 10:15 a.m. (which is when we've been starting lately after all our daily morning drama).

Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be broken!


Megs said...

I still have a few years to pray and decide if we are to homeschool our boys. Just thinking of it overwhelms me, but whenever I read your posts about homeschooling, it encourages me and excites me to do it!

:corinne: said...

Amen sista! I need to be more flexible. I'm a bit like you, a planner and don't like to get off the beaten path. But you're right, being flexible = being blessed! I can hear my husband behind me saying seconding my Amen sista...roflol

Sandy said...

I know the feeling of beginning on time and getting everything done accoring to schedule but loosening up on a few things really isn't a big deal if you keep the important things going (like when you begin and the amount of time you spend schooling). You will find a morning walk gets the blood flowing and also doing school at other places and areas of the home can shake those bad attitudes out. Just a thought!

Leti said...

I know what you mean. When I homeschooled, if anything went differently than planned I would lose it, until a seasoned homeschool mom gave me good advise - thank God for those that have done this before us.

Mrs. R said...

I'm just getting caught up on your posts, and I'm glad you're still enjoying the home schooling experience! I loved your "blessed are the flexible..." I think I'm going to make that my motto for ministry... :)