Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Exciting Times in Homeschooling

So nobody will care about this post but me, but today was fun for the kids during school because they finished their 100 Charts that they've been working on since the beginning of the year. We used craft sticks to represent single units and every time they collected 10, they were bundled and we started over. Through this exercise they learned to count to 100 as well as skip count by tens and write all the numbers (See I told you nobody will care about this except me). I enjoyed watching them experience that great feeling that comes from completing a long-term project.

Also, I wanted to show Annie's picture she drew today. Our words to remember for the water unit we are working on are "Jesus gives my spirit living water to drink". Here is Annie's illustration of Jesus giving her water:


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the girls! What great pupils, and what a great teacher.

Leti said...

Laura, you are doing an awesome job teaching your little ones. The girls, also, seem to be enjoying their schooling.

Great Job to both Teacher and Students!

btw I loved reading about this.

Jannette Thrasher said...

God is blessing your little school house. I totaly know how it feels when you get to see your kids take a big step. Zeekie just learned to spell his own name.I know it's not much, but mommy & daddy are surprised. Calvin can skip a couple of grades with science and History, and Trinity knows has a huge vocabulary for a two year old. Homeschooling is such a huge privilage.


P.S. BTW, Annie & Bekah were adorable last night with their warm jackets, and cuddly personalities.

:corinne: said...

Hee hee I love how you're so proud of your's okay to gloat about their achievement *wink* Love her little picture...what a great lesson for both the girls to learn.

Bridget said...

from one homeschool mom to another...I understand your excitement:)