Thursday, January 22, 2009

Wish I Could Take The Credit

Yesterday Bekah came down with a fever and got sick to her stomach. Thankfully she is much better this morning and acting like her normal self again. So yesterday when she felt sick she tells me, "Mommy, I think there's still some bacteria in my tummy. But that's okay because the white blood cells are killing it. I'll be okay." A few days ago, she informed me that our food goes down our esophaugus, into our stomach, on to the small intestine, then to the large intestine. I didn't teach her any of this. I think for school time we'll all just sit in front of the TV and watch "The Magic School Bus". We'll all learn more! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wowie ZOWIE! I didn't talk like that 'til I was 19! ¡Caramba!