Monday, November 5, 2007

Grace!! Grace!!

This is what I was asking the Lord for this morning. The last week I've just been so irritable and short with my family. I can't stand being this way because I know how much it affects them. I don't want to be a scary mom. This morning as I finally stepped back into my morning devotion routine (which obviously the lack thereof was the main contribution to the ill treatment of my family) I confessed to the Lord my rude behavior and less than peaceable thoughts and asked for those amazing mercies that are renewed every morning. He's so faithful. I know He heard me and I know He's forgiven me and helping me speak and even think in a kinder way. In my "mommy" devotional this morning, it was talking about exactly what I was praying about. Here are a few excerpts:

"My words and actions are dark, sad, and probably, at times, scary to my children ( and hubby!). Basement days are those days that I can't recall saying "yes" to anything my children asked--days that I say "don't" fifty bazillion times, and I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and wonder how the wicked witch could have snuck into our house without my knowing it! As moms, it's easy for us to be basement people. Part of the reason is that there is so much correction, protection, and civility to pass on to our children. We can get in a rut of negative correction rather than training them in a loving way."

"We've all been around people that are basement influences in our lives. They drag us down and make us feel perfectly awful! On the other hand, a balcony person can encourage us like no other. They believe in us and don't mind saying so. We leave a conversation with them feeling like we could run a marathon! The good news is: We can be that balcony person for our children. They need us to come up from the basement, shine light, and breathe fresh air into their insecure, changing lives."

"Sometimes we nail our shoes to the floor of the basement because we aren't willing to budge on anything. Every chance you have, laugh with your kids. Stop and play. Just do it! Let them flick water in your face and squeal. Get on the floor and flip them or wrestle. Let them help with lunch, and count on having mustard stains on their clothes or pickles fall on the floor.

"Your child is more valuable to you than any "thing" could ever be. When you slip back into the basement ruts, remind yourself that you don't have to stay there. It's just a few short steps to the balcony!"

I am so thankful for my gracious God and my gracious family.

The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and great in mercy. - Psalm 145:9

Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. - Philippians 3:12


Anonymous said...

I so, so, so, so, needed to read that. I have been a correctional officer in the home for the past few days. Or weeks I should say. It has been kind of, well, UGLY! It seems as though the older my Son gets, the more I become short fused with him. I even woke up this morning with a don't do this, and you better do that attitude. And I was convicted as I bickered. I get irritated over the littlest things. Stuff like, "Put the toilet seat down and flush your toilet or your gonna write sentences". Or quit teasing your brother and making him scream so that your sister doesn't wake up after five minuets of napping when she's supposed to be napping for three hours so that I can feed you guys and get home schooling done.

Thank you for sharing what the Lord is showing you. I love the part that talks about wrestling. I asked Calvin if he still likes to cuddle with Mama. And he said he feels more comfortable when we wrestle. There is so much for me to learn. Thanks again for that timely word of encouragement.


Leti said...

Wow! extremely convicting and I don't even have little ones. Just yesterday morning I was going over the "you should have", "why didn't you" routine with my 22 year-old...yes, so much to learn and Praise God for His unmerited Grace, or else where would we be. I want to be a "balcony" rather than a "basement", yet at times those few steps to the balcony are so grueling and difficult, not just with your kids but with those around us. Praise God that HE started the work in us and HE WILL complete it. Let's keep on this road, difficult at times, yet at the end o so worth it. So hang in there Dear Sisters...Christ has overcome!!!