Thursday, November 1, 2007

Too Beat To Blog

If anyone has noticed I've not been blogging lately, then they should know I'm either too drained from my busyness or I'm actually taking care of my responsibilities instead of being on the computer. :) Blogging is a fun thing for me to do, however, I try to put work before play. This last week has been so tiring and I suppose it is these crazy days and nights that I should actually make the effort to document since these are the memories I (think) I want to remember as I grow older.

My girls have been battling coughs and colds. My poor 3 year old just doesn't know what to do with that gross stuff she's coughing on. At first I thought she had a stomach virus because of all the dry-heaving and gagging. Come to find out its just a cold. Without going into much detail, I'll just say she sure is Auntie Lulu's niece. :) So between that and the bladder infection, we've made a few trips to the doctor's office, lab, and pharmacy. I think we're on the mend...I hope...I pray. I really need to sleep sometime this week.

I apologize to my brother, Jeff, as yesterday was his 32nd birthday and I did not even post a birthday greeting on my blog. But I did call...I hope that counts. Yesterday we drove to the doctor, waited, were seen, went to the lab, drove home for Bek to pee in a cup, drove back to the lab, then so that I would not make empty promises, drove to the pumpkin patch where they charge far too much for little kids to have fun, then drove to Ralphs to buy a cheaper pumpkin, then finally home for naps...which Bekah didn't do much of. Then I fought with the kids about their costumes. Bekah was just plain old cranky from her ailments and sleep-deprivation while Annie had a fit when I told her she must wear long sleeves under her costume if she wanted to be out at night while recovering from a cough. I finally won! We picked up Angie and headed to Hallelujah Night in Chino. We did have a fun hour...yes I only stayed an hour because I don't handle crowds well, especially while being responsible for two small children. Then to Grandma's we went to show her costumes and eat ONE piece of candy. Finally we got home. Ahhhhhhh.

Needless to say that between yesterday and getting out the door this morning my house was a disaster. Thankfully the talk this morning at MOPS was on organizning your life and how to keep a maintanence routine for cleaning your house. So as I walked in to my tornado-stricken home, I was mentally ready to conquer the mess. Praise God Bekah actually slept for 3 hours and Annie kept home looks pretty great now! Jose even surprised us by taking us to dishes to clean!! The speaker at MOPS had some good things to share and what blessed me the most was hearing somebody else say that we're not perfect, we can't do it all all of the time, and dishes and laundry will never be completely done...its a cycle. I am one of those people who if I'm going to clean in any room, I have to clean every inch of the entire room. The Lord is working with me on that and since I don't always have two hours to spend organizing a closet or deep cleaning my bedroom baseboards, etc. I need to learn to do a little at a time and stick to my routine.

Okay I'm really sleepy and I have some bills to take care of. I'll try to stay more on top of this blog in the near future. Thanks for listening to my ramblings!

1 comment:

Leti said...

I'm tired just reading all that you have been through. May the Lord give you the strenth and rest that you need. May He carry you on His everlasting arms.