Monday, November 26, 2007

What A Week

This last week has been a little crazy. And its not anything we were surprised at since Jose was given the opportunity to teach at church yesterday. We knew the enemy would be working overtime and our patience would be tested.

Monday the girls and I attended a birthday party for Cristian. His parents put so much work and creativity into this celebration. It would have been such a fun time if I hadn't dumped the cupcakes I brought and my 4 year old hadn't decided to be the "party-pooper" of the evening. There is nothing more humbling than being a mom. Its that whole lack of control thing. Even with consequences and rewards, I don't think its possible to change an attitude of the heart in a moment's notice. On Wednesday we had a nice day, getting ready for church in the evening. I made some pilgrim hat marshmallow treats for our Thanksgiving celebration at church and headed out the door. Bek started complaining that she felt pukey so I kept her out of class. Sure enough as Jose was holding her in the chapel she finally confirmed that she really felt pukey. Aside from the costly possibility of losing Jose's leather jacket to the vomit, we were so extremely humbled as another couple from church cleaned up the mess as Jose and I dealt with Bek. So that began the last 6 days of Bekah being sick. On Thursday, Jose was wonderful enough to send Annie and I to our Thanksgiving celebration while he stayed home to take care of Bekah. I had a nice time at Nancy's house visiting with my family, eating,playing fun games, and watching a slide show of my dad's trip to Africa. I have to say that Steve and Sue were the romantic couple of the evening...they still make a great pair after all these years of marriage. And I truly enjoyed talking to Peter about his religious studies major in college and his senior thesis he is beginning to write on the treatment of women in Puritanism. Good stuff. My respect for my cousin Marina grew as she had her head shaved in support of a friend who is battling cancer. Nancy was as hospitable as ever and it was nice hanging out with my dad, Jeff, Amie, Ben, Jessica, Grace, Nannette, Corin, and Uncle Claude. I missed Jose and Rebekah terribly and wished they were there. Friday I was able to get out my Christmas decorations and my favorite Christmas China (courtesy of Nancy and my wonderful late Aunt Terry). Saturday I was supposed to go visit my Grandma and have a little Thanksgiving with her, my mom, Uncle Mike, Aunt Tammy, Michele, Jeff & Amie, but Bekah started complaining again. So I gave up that get together. Later that evening the four of us bundled up and took a walk on the new walking/running/biking trail near our home to walk one mile (with the kids in the stroller) to return a movie and then walk home...I am SO out of shape!! Sunday morning we woke up excited for Jose to take the pulpit...then the puking started again. So Jose went to church solo...I was sooo bummed! I wanted to be there to support him so badly, but sometimes God has other plans. Some of Jose's family went as well as my dad. I've only heard good things about his teaching (I wouldn't expect anything else :) ). So Jose got to go to lunch with his family (now I don't feel so bad for having Thanksgiving with my side on Thursday :) ) and my dad came to visit the home-bound Ramirez's (thanks, Dad!). Last night I was up a couple times with Bek for some more vomiting episodes. To the doctor we went and he thinks its just the stomach flu and I should wait it out. OK! So I hope this week is less eventful. An awesome praise report I do have is that my good friend, Carin, had her baby girl on Saturday morning...Sophia Elizabeth. Mother and baby are doing well. Congratulations David and Carin (Josiah too!)!


Jess Stevens said...

what an eventful week, I'll be praying that this flu passes quickly (& doesn't effect any of the other family, mommy included ;-) )

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord,

Bless little Becky's tummy to feel better today. Give Mom & Dad streangth. In Jesus Name,

Take Care. rest in Jesus.

Love your new backround.


P.s. Pastor David showed a picture on Sunday of his new baby grandaughter. sooo adorable.