Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It's Never Too Early To Celebrate Fall

With the official beginning of our school year yesterday, I decided it was time to start decorating for fall. My dad gave me a basket of fall-colored flowers and my blog is easy to change into the appropriate colors. Maybe I can pick up some pumpkin scented candles and some apple cinnamon ones too. Let's face it, fall decor gets the short end of the stick because technically the season ends around the 21st of December but we start decorating for Christmas at the end of November. So I'm going to give Autumn a good three months of celebration, even if it still is summer for another two and a half weeks. Annie is requesting I bake oatmeal raisin cookies and since we finally got our air conditioner fixed yesterday (it was a long, hot, sticky weekend) I think those cookies are a great idea and will begin our Fall baking season. Letting Annie help me measure and bake will be educational, too!


Anonymous said...

I agree.I can't wait until this muggy weather cools off. Do you know where to buy those cute stickers that you put on your windows?


Leti said...

You know I love Fall, in fact, I can't believe it is at our door step once again. The other day I was at my favorite store and it took all the self-control (that I'm praying I have) to not buy a ton of fall-decor. I looked and dreamed...