Friday, June 19, 2009

It Finally Feels Like Summer

After the last couple weeks of awful June-gloom, it finally feels like summer! I am bound and determined to get my kids out for a good time in the next couple months. I can be rather boring and un-imaginative, but that shouldn't stop my kiddos from having a great summer. So since Mondays will be Jose's days off until August, I know we'll be taking advantage of that. This last one he took Bekah out on a date to make a Good Will donation, then on to their favorite Pho noodles restaurant, on to Jiffy Lube (hey, a 4 year doesn't care as long as its still her daddy and her), then to Krispy Kreme's for a little treat. On Wednsday we went to the movies for FREE! It was awesome....I popped popcorn at home, packed snacks & drinks, and waltzed right in to the theater. I'm hoping to do this several more times before the summer ends. Here is link if you don't have it already: Regal Movies. Today we went to the park with our friends. We had a good time with them....although its difficult having a complete adult conversation with kids :). Hopefully my friend and I will get to have coffee one day soon. Her little boy is super funny...he had me smiling the whole time we were together. Look how cute...

Tomorrow Jose and Annie are off to their first father/daughter banquet. So sweet! I told her she has to take lots of pictures so Mommy can see everything that happens. :) On Sunday Jose will preaching for the 2nd week in a row for a Spanish minstry his seminary classmate leads. It was so awesome watching him last Sunday. Even though I couldn't understand every word, I got the major points. He did a wonderful job and I have no doubt this Sunday will be any different.


Melody said...

You guys are busy busy! I just love this time of year. We can just ditch the responsibilities (or at least some of them) and enjoy our kids!! I hate that summer goes so darn fast because I just adore the carefree feeling of it all. I love spontaneity! :)

I hope Annie & Jose have a blast at the dinner! And I bet you are so stinking proud of him doing these sermons! He's growing up right before your eyes! ;)

Anonymous said...

We had such a good time too (and you're right about the difficulty of adult conversation! I'd love to get together w/o the kiddos sometime) ;)
I LOVE the picture... I need to upload the ones I took.
And call me when you're going to the movies, we'll meet you there! (I wonder how Ava would do?... hmm..)

Leti said...

Yeah for summer! I'm sure you will be crative and have lots of fun with them.

:corinne: said...

Good for you to enjoy this nice weather we're having. I'm so glad it's cleared up. I was getting a lil down because of it. Continue having fun with your family.