Friday, June 19, 2009

Sister Love

I just love love love having my two girls. I love it that they are only 21 months apart. I love it that we can save money and use clothes twice. I love it that they can easily share a room with pink walls. But most of all I love that they have that sister love. They truly are best friends and understand one another. Sure, they also fight every now and then, but the worst consequence in the world for them is to not be allowed to play together. My desire is that they grow up looking out for one another, loving one another, and sharing their lives together.

There isn't much they don't do together. They draw and color together, play with toys and use their imaginations together, watch the same shows together, read with mommy together (it can never just be one at a time), and of course one of their favorites....catch bugs together. My girls are pretty girly except for the catching bugs thing. The other day they caught a caterpillar and a moth. They even caught their first lizard a couple weeks ago. And in case you're wondering...I still have ants at my house.


Anonymous said...

Your girls are so stinkin' cute & it is encouraging to me on how much they love each other & play together though close in age. If I could control things, I would want another girl so it could be just like that--share room, clothes, toys, etc.

Leti said...

I love this. That picture is a "keeper" - can't wait to hear them talk about these times when they grow fun;)