Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Glimpses I Don't Want to Forget

I love these shots. The one of Bek is actually her dancing face. :) She makes this face and shakes her little body around. She is SUCH a character! I love her little personality...she is like a ray of sunshine, bringing so much joy to me as well as laughter, and lots of cuddles.

The shot of Annie is just her working away on her school work. She is so stinkin' cute, I just love looking across the room as she focuses and works away. She is such a mama's girl. She is 6 years old, but still gets upset when I leave the house without her. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this little girl loves her mommy. She is always telling me that I'm so pretty, or that I'm her favorite sweater, or just that she loves me. She keeps me on my toes...I need to be a good example for my daughters.


Leti said...

This is so beautiful. My momma's heart smiles.

Sandy said...

Awww! So precious! I feel sad sometimes when I see my 13 year old son run off to the store by himeself and I think of how he was just like Annie, upset if I went anywhere without him but sometimes he still feels left out when I go out and that makes me smile:)