Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Counting Down...

First of all, thank you for your prayers for Annie and me yesterday for her appointment. I have to say, things went really great for the most part. Annie was soooo excited to be there, knowing this was a pre-requisite for school. She skipped to the exam room and hopped up on the table, smiling and beaming along the way, literally. She fully cooperated with the nurse for her blood pressure, hearing test, etc. Then she did GREAT with her vision test. Now you have to realize that I'm super excited, not about her vision being perfect, but that she actually followed all of the nurse's instructions to a T. Lately I've been pretty concerned about how well she'll behave and obey in preschool. I guess I have to realize that she's with me practically 24/7, so following my instructions the 1st time they're given isn't always going to happen. And since her hearing was perfect, I know that isn't a problem. :) But her cooperation yesterday gave me hope that she'll be just fine with her teacher. So after the dr. checked her out, it was time to burst her bubble. She had to get two shots, one in each arm. She cried the biggest, fatest tears I've seen in a long time. Even Bekah, who happened to be in a crummy mood due to an interrupted nap, tried to comfort her. Stinkin' shots! Anyway, she survived and so did I. So, for a little cheering up we went to visit her school today. We got to visit her classroom and meet her teacher, Miss Nancy. She promised that when I have to leave her there, she'll remember to give me a kiss every day, so I won't get sad. Well, that's only a couple weeks away, so soon you'll read another blog of me boo-hooing.


Anonymous said...

preschool huh? Wow, how time flyes. I'm sorry those shots had to make her cry, since she was being such a trooper. Lots of prayers going out your way.

Unknown said...

Hi Laura,
What a neat way to document and share your life with others. Im still cracking up at all the stories you've written. Seriously you should write a book.
Blake also had to go to the doctors for a preschool physical. He was a trooper just like Annie, up until the shots. I guess every mom goes thru the same things. Our lives are very eventful. Anyways, thanks for sending your "blog". Im new to the whole computer/email thing, so a "blog" is something very exciting.