Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Is this screen still blurry because...

I need glasses like my doctor thinks I do or is it the leftover migraine from yesterday? I just want to say that my heartfelt prayers go out to those who chronically feel crummy. I woke up yesterday feeling strange, but not much to take notice of. Then about an hour later came the bright blindness, whoosy head and stomach...and I knew if I didn't take my medication quickly I was doomed. As I've mentioned before, swallowing pills just doesn't work with me. So after ten minutes of psyching myself out, wrapping the 4 half pills in marshmallows, tapioca pudding, and granola bars, and chewing, yes chewing disgusting tasting Excedrin Migraine, I finally accomplished my goal. Then I hit the sack. I am a very spoiled husband took half a day off work, made our rather bright bedroom dark with cardboard boxes (he did mention he hoped the neighbors didn't think we're setting up a meth lab) and the kids bed blankets, and kept the kids occupied away from me. Then, if that weren't enough, my mom came for the afternoon to help out. You know, I'm prideful. I always want to prove I can do it all on my own - the kids, the house, the cooking, etc. etc., but I never seem to have the chance to do it because I'm always rescued. I guess I should quit complaining about being so blessed and just accept it. I always think, "How do military wives deal with situations when they're alone?" Or, "What if I didn't have a sitter and my husband couldn't take time off work?" Maybe one day I'll have to prove I can do it. I guess until then I'll graciously receive the rescuing and kindly say "thank you".


Anonymous said...

Migraines are terrible, awful, and horrible. I'm so sorry to hear that you struggled with one yesterday. I laughed at your description of how you finally got the pills down. Quite the combination of food items you used! Excedrin Migraine is the best. I know that it's really hard to function when you have a migraine, and it might have lingered on longer if you hadn't had time to rest. I'm glad it's gone and you're feeling better today!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetheart, I'm sorry that you were in such straits yesterday. Remember, you can always call me for help if you need it. I think that I've only had one true migraine in my life and it torpedoed me right into oblivion! To make it worse, I was in the pickup truck riding through the desert so it was a HOT, bright, and bumpy ride back to Norwalk.

You're blessed in that so many folks want to jump right in and help when you need it. The best response is simply to say "thank you" and appreciate what they do.


Anonymous said...

I just got two of my wisdom teeth pulled today. Long overdue! I just turned 30, and I've had them in since I was 19.
I can take pills fine but I would rather suffer the pain until I cannot bare it any more. Like right now I have two wholes in my mouth, and I won't take anything.

I totaly understand what you are saying about being spoiled.I feel the same way sometimes, as I am the hardest on myself. Let your husband pamper you, and let you family cherish you. I think that you are well taken care of, not only by those who love you, but by Our Heavenly Father. It is definatly unmerited, undeserved, unconditional agape Love.We know what we deserve, So that makes us Love God all the more for giving us such wonderful families.They are not perfect, but we wouldnt trade our lives for the world. We couldnt ask for anything more.Except that all who we know would experience the Joy of The Grace of God along with us.

Spoiled means rotten.I can not imagine that trait in you.

I see these qualities in you.
Gal 5:22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
Gal 5:23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

Sometimes we don't want our families or friends to feel that we don't appriciate them or that we are taking advantage of them, so we let them and everyone know how blessed we are to have them help.

My mom always tells me that she gets sad when I don't ask her for help.She will do almost anything for me.
Before Gabes mom went home to be with the Lord, she would do our laundry, and then go out and but the whole family socks and underwear, using the tags from the others. I never had to buy my kids shoes, or clothes. Now When I am shopping I have no idea what size shoes my kids wear. People look at me funny.
Setting the tone for your home is important because our home is where we spend most of our time. My friend Shelly quoted someone saying, "I may not have the best of everything, but I can make the best of everything that I do have".
We can make a safe haven and refuge for our husbands to come home to, and for our little blessings to dwell as we prepare our hearts toward the Lord, and give them a pleasent atmosephear. This of course takes time. I'm sure that they would appriciate helping us get to that goal.

Gal. 6:9,10

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Gal 6:10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all [men], especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

Anonymous said...

i keep forgetting to put my name.