Sunday, December 16, 2007

And So It Begins

Last night we began the first of many Christmas celebrations for 2007. We had our annual dinner at Dad's. The salad, lasagna, garlic bread, panna cotta, and boston cream cake were delicious!! Dad is an excellent host and just like in every year past refuses any help to clean up the kitchen. Its just a time to enjoy family and food. We also exchanged stockings and were blessed with some fun and yummy goodies. As you can see above, our picture came out pretty good...everyone is smiling! Both of our girls' favorite stocking stuffers were there very own flashlights. My favorites are the "days of the week" magnets and the colored staples. If you remember from a former post, I am completely a nerd at heart. That is why I love stockings...they're filled with treats and office supplies! :)


Jess Stevens said...

that's a great picture, thanks for sharing! & BTW, I'm a nerd too, gotta love those office supplies ;-)

Leti said...

You are blessed to be able to enjoy your Dad for Christmas. The picture came out "marvelous"!