Monday, December 10, 2007

A Daughter After My Own Heart

Annie's newest fascination is Little House on the Prairie. Yes!!!! It is still my absolute favorite show of all time and I'm so excited that she has taken a liking to it. I own the first season on DVD, so that's what she has been watching. I can't help but watch it with her. I know every line before its spoken, yet I still find myself tearing up on each episode. It may be traditional and even boring to some (okay many), but there are awesome moral, spiritual, and family values that are upheld throughout the series. I'm amazed at how many topics have come up through the first several episodes that I've needed to address with Annie to broaden her understanding. Subjects like: outhouses (and how blessed we are to have indoor plumbing!), horses and wagons, childbirth (I was not looking forward to this topic but managed to find my way through it), horrid sicknesses that we don't need to worry about today because of vaccinations, the effects of alcohol abuse in a family, angels, and God's will in our lives even when ours doesn't match His. So, if anybody is Christmas shopping...Annie and I would love the second season! J/K!!! I'll probably end up buying it for her next month for her birthday. So tonight, she insisted on role-playing. Just call me "Ma" and Jose "Pa"...Annie is "Laura" and against her will, Bekah is "Carrie". I wonder how long this will last. :)


Anonymous said...

HA! I can relate very well! Your "Little House" affinity parallels my "Twilight Zone" fanaticism. Jeff is like Annie in that he also took a liking to my favorite TV series. One of the last times that he and I went to the bullfights he stayed over because we were going to go somewhere together the next day so when we got back from the dusty border town we each took a shower and re-grouped in my TV area. I suggested that we watch an episode of the "Zone." It was like it was when he was a little boy and we would do that exact thing when we returned from the 'fights 20 years earlier. Admittedly, the TZ is NOTHING like Little House in terms of moral lessons but it IS exciting. Incidentally, "Ma" and "Pa" is what we three children called my parents our whole lives. Where does THAT come from in a Mexican household?! HA!

Thanks for letting me reminisce about the olden days.

lulu said...

I love that show too.Its one of my favorites.

:corinne: said...

Oh my cute is this! She's definitely taking after momma! I love the show too...but hate that it makes me cry! It's one of those love/hate relationships ;) Have fun Christmas shopping!!!

Leti said...

Angie loves this show too. And yes, when I get a chance to see it, I too cry and am touched by the stories. This is so wonderful that Annie enjoys them with you - how sweet:)