Thursday, December 13, 2007

A Little Poll

I know this is an odd poll, but oh well. I want to know what your favorite smell is. If you read this post, please comment, even if you are anonymous. I want to know if anyone is as wierd as me. :) My favorite two are:

* the bag of Nestle semi-sweet chocolate chips right after breaking the seal

* the smell of a white washcloth the first time it is wet after having been washed, bleached and dryed. Mmmmmm!


Leti said...

smells...hummmm...when I can stop from sneezing...hummm - fresh baked bread and the smell of clean

Anonymous said...

Wow...What an interesting poll, and a hard one at that.

I'll take a shot at it.

#1- a new born Babies hair and skin.

#2- Fresh rain on trees and grass.

Now I have a whole list of things running through my head. Hope you enjoy my answers.


Anonymous said...

Freshly-poured wet cement and the smell of newly-mowed grass. Bread baking in the oven is a very close third!

Jess Stevens said...

outside, just after a rain

my daughters just after their bath

Anonymous said...

The smell of fall air.

The Harrison's said...

Okay, I have a few because I love smells.

#1 I know this sounds cliche, but I love the smell of coffee grounds when you open up the bag of coffee to make it. Mmmm... it is way better than the taste.

#2 I love the smell of Dustin's deodorant.

#3 I love the smell of outside/sunshine on Emma's hair when she comes inside or on my cat who has been sitting in the window.

#4 Caress soap

#5 Johnson and Johnson's lavender baby lotion

#6 Jasmine and Gardenia flowers

#7 Old lady perfumes like Jungle Gardenia and such, they remind me so much of my grandma.

#8 Baby's breath

I hate the smells of The Aussie Detangler, deviled eggs, and pancake syrup. I also hate making bacon because then I smell like it all day long--gross (but I love eating it:)

Sorry this was so long, but I am really into smells!!!

Laura said...

Thank you for contributing! I enjoyed reading each of these comments.