Saturday, December 22, 2007

Praise God, we made it to visit my grandma and aunt, uncle, & cousin. We had pizza, mac n cheese, and the cutest Christmas tree cake that Aunt Tammy made. Cousin Michele, Annie, & Bekah had a fun time running around the little apartment and we all enjoyed eachother's company. I'm so glad all 4 of us were able to go. With Jose having been studying and the recent illness with our girls, it hasn't been often we've been able to go places all together. On a VERY important side note - Jose is officially on break from school!!!! I have my best friend back!!! I know its only a couple of weeks, but what a freedom. I know he'll be excited to start again next month, but we're going to make the most of this vacation time as we can. He's out shopping and golfing right now (see...he's taking advantage of his break already!). I think we'll try to squeeze in a Christmas movie tonight once the kids hit the hay.


Anonymous said...

i'm glad that the girls got better and you were able to enjoy your visit to your grandma.

Jess Stevens said...

So glad you all got to visit with your Grandma & other family, what an answer to prayer!
Enjoy your time with Jose, it's great when they have time off of school, isn't it?
God Bless You all & Merry Christmas