Thursday, December 13, 2007

Still So Innocent

I got a kick out of my daughter's innocence today. I had to take Annie to the Chapel Store because the one person she wants to buy a Christmas present for with her own money is her favorite friend, Ebony. She decided last week that she wanted to buy her a book about Jesus. Anyway, there were a couple of items I wanted to purchase there for Annie's presents and since our trips there are not often, I decided to try to buy them right under her nose. It worked!! She didn't have a clue!! I think by the time I was almost 5 I was already searching for my presents hidden in my parents' closet and under the bed. I hope this lasts awhile!


Leti said...

This is so wonderful. I love the innocense of a child and dislike when I child begins to lose it. I too would search high and low for presents and gifts.

Anonymous said...

That is so adorable. I wraped all gift in the same room as Ezekiel. He had no clue. But Calvin is being very nosey right now. He gets it from me. I was real bad.
