Monday, March 17, 2008

What Do You Do?

Here is a question for all you moms out there. What should I do with all the pictures and crafts my kids make? I have tons and tons and I don't know where to keep them all. I have them on the fridge, taped to the wall, in plastic containers, in notebooks, and everywhere else you can think of. I guess my real question is...would I be a mean mommy to actually (gulp) throw some of it away?


Anonymous said...

Mommy to mommy, point blank. You gotta draw the line somewhere. Unless you want to dedicate an entire wing of your house to all those masterpieces.
But honestly I can identify. I have about eight years of wonderful crafts and artwork, and Calvin is the one who initiates most of these projects. I used to stealthfully discard them when he was asleep (this was before I had them taped across the entire room). I felt bad but I didn't have enough room for them along with all of his schoolwork. I still to this day have to ask him to stop steeling all my computer paper even after I bought him notepads. I now pick and choose his best artwork, or the ones that he admires the most. He knows now that I only keep a few. I got rid of alot of the older stuff when I did my spring cleaning. It was like I burried a beloved family pet. But it had to be done.

I hope that I wasn't to upfront.


Anonymous said...

Well, I suppose that you can select the finest ones and ship them off to Grandpa's house for storage and safekeeping. They'd be good company for all of those stuffed animals.

Jess Stevens said...

ok, being a scrapper I first kept EVERYTHING Cami made. Now, if it's something she is really proud of or has a special meaning, I keep it. Otherwise we "recycle" it. Another idea, take a pic of your DD w/ her masterpiece & simple keep the much smaller flat picture. Then she will know how she looked when she made that special something.