Tuesday, July 15, 2008


"Death and life are in the power of the tongue"
-Proverbs 18:21a

Last week I read this proverb during my devotions and while I've read it many times before, I've just been chewing on it. The old saying "sticks and stones may break my bones but names can never hurt me" just isn't true. Our words, and tones and expressions for that matter, can have such an impact on others. I think about the way I talk and while cussing and using the Lord's name in vain were ruled out long ago, I'm convicted because sarcasm runs rampant through my communication. While I think its fun to joke around with friends in the appropriate situations, I know I need to work on my everyday communication with my family and everyone I talk to. I want my words to give life and build up, not tear down.


Anonymous said...

O.K., here's an old guy talking: In my recent experience (the last 15 years), it seems that decorum, consideration for others, and plain old courtesy have evaporated from not only our society, but around the world. If you go to the South, folks there are still cordial but it seems that, generally, people are self-centered, in a hurry, rude, and don't care about anyone else. The old response when someone said "thank you" was "you're welcome" which implies that "I was happy to do that and would gladly do it for you again." Many people now respond with "no problem" which to me says "you didn't put me out or disturb me, so it's ok." What kind of response is THAT?! The first George Bush wanted us to have a "kinder, gentler world." I agree! Maybe Rodney King asked the correct question: "Can't we all just get along?" :-)

Anonymous said...

I hear you friend. I have always had a problem with my wicked tongue. I can never get anything out right, or I always speak before I think. I have been being convicted every day about how I represent my children to others. Sometimes I say, "he's my strong willed one, instead of saying, "he's my Bold one for Jesus". Or I say things like," If I could throw em in to public school", instead of saying, "I bless God for every moment that I get to spend with my children". My negativity can rub off, and that's no fun. Who wants to be around a complainer? I hear the power in that wisdom sister, believe me. Thanks for posting it.


Mrs. R said...

What a great reminder. I have the same struggles. Someone once told me that we might be the only form of Jesus someone ever sees, so I try to remind myself of that every time I get the urge to rip into someone.

Jess Stevens said...

Thank you for sharing the scripture, I too use a lot of sarcasam & I should be more mindful, especially knowing my girls pick everything up like a sponge.
Laura, I think you are wonderful Christian & I love all you share about your Walk, your beautiful girls & the goings on. Thank you!

:corinne: said...

AMEN Laura! I always struggle with this. As much as I hate sarcasm towards me...I talk that way all the time towards others. Thank you for the reminder dear friend.