Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Saving the Planet...One Baggie At A Time

This may seem pretty small, but I am trying to do my part to go green. I'm not super involved in saving the Earth, but lately I have been recognizing that I need to do my part in taking care of this temporary home the Lord has blessed us with. Thankfully we have a recycling program in the city we live in so its pretty easy to contribute that way. I've been making sure to turn lights off when we aren't using them and keep the water useage at a minimum. My latest effort is to stop using plasic baggies. Since I started selling Tupperware I learned that it takes 100 years for a baggie to break down in the landfull. I'm proud to say that its been 3 weeks since we've had a box of baggies in our house. I still have freezer bags but I'm trying to find a replacement for those. I don't really know why I'm posting about this. :-)


Anonymous said...

I think that you're posting about this because you feel good about helping to save Mother Earth. You're right in that God gave us this precious gift of a wonderful planet in which to live. We have the responsibility of practicing good stewardship--especially because it's a gift from Him. GOOD for you!

Mrs. R said...

We've been trying the same thing, although I still haven't weened myself from baggies yet. :) We bought a push lawnmower, and have been trying to walk/bike everywhere. We also started using boxes and reusable bags when we do our shopping.

My goal is to be able to work someplace where I can either take public transportation or walk/bike to work every day, but we'll see if that happens!