Monday, September 3, 2007

Excuse Me...You're Biting My Bu**

Okay, I don't want to sound crude, but I had to title this post with that and if you've ever seen the movie Madagascar, you'll recognize the line. Anyway, who knew girls could wrestle and rough house like little boys? I suppose every mother of multiple daughters, but it was a surprise to me. On Saturday, it was "one of those mornings" with the kids. First Annie closed Bek's fingers in an amoire drawer...then ran away and covered her ears to avoid the cries. Apparently when it comes to flight or fight, Annie goes with flight. So a few minutes after that was settled, I hear Annie crying, a hurt cry. And, as my post title describes, Bekah executed her revenge by biting Annie on her fanny. I couldn't help but quote that movie line to Annie, and even in the midst of her anger and tears, she cracked a smile.

The day certainly got better as we headed to the high desert for a co-birthday party in celebration of Jose's grandma and his aunt. It was nice having the family together, and especially nice to sit in my sister-in-law's pool...the weather has been horrid! There are a few pictures above.

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