Friday, September 4, 2009


Lately I've just been feeling so grateful that I can be a stay-at-home mommy. It is seriously a privilege that not everyone has. We may not drive new cars or own a big home or buy designer clothes (which of course are not bad things and hey, maybe one day we will have them), but I get to be with my childen and have the freedom to do what needs to be done during the day. I do not have to fight crowds in the stores on the weekends or evenings, I don't have to cram laundry all into Saturday, I don't have to worry about taking time off work if a child gets sick, etc. My husband works hard everyday to provide for his family and allow me to be home. And I work hard everyday to make his life a bit easier with meals and clean/ironed clothes and errands that need to be run, etc. This works so well for our family. And for any moms out there who read this and also work outside the home, I ADMIRE you! I do not know how you do it every day. Seriously. And having felt sick with being pregnant the last three months, I couldn't help but think of how much harder my life would be if I went to work, too. I know there are seasons in life and my season as a stay-at-home mom could be for my whole life or could change next month. We never know what life will bring, but I am so grateful to the Lord for this season I am in right now.


yvonne said...

Amen sister! It is a privilege. I am grateful for this opportunity to take care of my family with less stress than I use to have when working.

Jannette Thrasher said...

Amen Sister!!

Anonymous said...

I can relate! :) Praise the Lord for this time in our lives.

Leti said...

Amen! You know, Laura, when my sister-in-law was having to do all that she did for her ailing parents and still work and have a small family, I too wondered how she could do all that and I admired her. When I pondered it I was so thankful that I was staying home and not having to work outside of the home. So, thank you for the reminder and that I should not take anything for granted.

Dad said...

I'm glad that you are wise enough to appreciate your blessings. And, I KNOW how much you love to iron! :-)

Adrienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Adrienne said...

I deleted the last comment because I was having spelling issues...

Not a day goes by that I don't wish I was a stay-at-home mommy. I guess I get to pretend during the summer!