Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Pottery Jars

Our theme for the school year is Bible history from Genesis to Revelation. So right now the kids are learning about how the Bible was written on scrolls and kept in pottery jars. So yesterday we made our own small jars and stuck tiny brown scrolls inside. Fun! These are the little hands-on things I've been wanting to do again and we're finally doing them. It gets the information in the kids' brains and they have fun while doing it (I have fun, too!).


Leti said...

Laura, you are doing such an awesome job at homeschooling the girls - LORD bless you and continue to give you the energy to do it.

I love the girls smiles and enthusiasm.

Sandy said...

we really need to get our girls together!!!! I luv your enthusiasm! what an inspiration. give me a call if you ever have a free day to visit.