Saturday, September 19, 2009

Lovin' My Saturday Mornings

A couple months ago I asked my hubby if I could take a few hours on Saturday mornings to do my grocery/household shopping ALONE. You moms know how it is loading and unloading little ones who can't stand grocery shopping and want all the sweets and expensive stuff. And of course they always have to use the bathroom when you're out. And they fight over riding in/pushing the cart. And they touch everything in the checkout line that they're not supposed to. Okay well maybe yours don't, but mine do. So I now treasure my Saturday mornings when I get up and leave by 6:30, sing along to praise music on the radio, head to Starbucks for some good decaf (usually good-decaf is an oxymoron), do a few lesson plans for the next couple weeks while I'm there, and head out to more than one supermarket to get good prices and no crowds. I come home to bright-eyed and bushy-tailed children who are happy to see me (or maybe its the week's worth of new food they didn't have to shop for they're happy to see!), and a wonderful husband who frees me up each week. I love my Saturday mornings!


Megs said...

Sounds good to me! Just last week I was humiliated by my Benjamin who threw a screaming fit at the store because he didn't want to sit in the cart and with all eyes on me, he then decided to start spitting over the side of the cart. I think I need a Saturday morning like yours:)

Adrienne said...

Wow, did you say 6:30am? When my weekdays start at 5:00am, that does not sound like fun. However, I totally understand the need to shop alone!!! I usually do grocery shopping on Sunday afternoons when the kids are napping.

Anonymous said...

I'm all for the shopping alone thing, but I'd probably plan it for like 10pm and go to Wal Mart that's open 24/7 instead of getting up THAT early! :D

Claudia Garduno said...

Why didn't I think of this...? What a great idea..Laura. I will ask my hubby! Thank You..
Trusting in Him,
Claudia G.
P.S. I love earlier... more time with our lord...
Sleep deprived or God deprived?
I choose Sleep deprived!

Leti said...

This sounds wonderful for you Laura. I love it - go Jose! It sounds so relaxing and refreshing.

Sandy said...

I love that; sleep deprived or God deprived? I like the 10 pm walmart idea. more my style but if my hubby would let me, saturday mornings would be sooo nice:)