Wednesday, October 24, 2007

It's Been Too Long

I've missed blogging in the last week so much! I've been so busy and I'll try to condense our happenings of the last week.

Last Wednesday the girls and I ventured out to The Huntington Library in San Marino with my friend from church, Claudia, and her 5 homeschooled children - Natalie, Ben, Lydia, Poeima, and Christian. What a fun and beautiful adventure. The kids had a great time looking at the beautiful gardens and running crazy through the grass field. Bekah almost perfected her somersalts that day. A little boy of about 8 or 9 years befriended Bekah. He sounded just like Charlie of "Charlie and Lola" with a heavy British accent. It was the cutest thing!! And Annie discovered a new special friend...Ben. She is quite taken with him and we hear quite a bit about him now. :) Yes, she is only 4...what will life be like 12 years from now???? I don't want to think about day at a time, Laura. :)

Thursday we celebrated my mom's birthday with dinner and presents and had a nice time together. In the evening we went to church and had some more great discussion amongst the jr. high and high school aged girls. I truly look forward to that time with them each week.

Friday we ventured out to Annie's school's Harvest Festival. We had a nice time, even though all my kids wanted to do was jump in the bounce houses. They don't give a hoot yet about games or even the goodies much.

Saturday I attended 3 parties. The first was a baby shower for my girlfriend, Carin. She is expecting Baby Sophie next month and we can't wait to meet her. Just by looking at the beautiful shower she was thrown, it was quite obvious how much Carin is loved. On we went to Elijah's 3rd birthday party. It was a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse party...super cute!!!! Bekah was dressed as Minnie Mouse and Elijah as Mickey...what a cute pair they made especially when they danced to "Hot Dog". After that it was on to Janel's surprise 30th birthday party. Okay, I'm tired all over again just from remembering that whole day.

Sunday was church and the message was great as usual. That afternoon I drove, or should I say rocked in the wind, to my dad's to watch this season's accumulation of Dancing with the Stars. Even though it was one more place to drive, it was so relaxing just sitting to watch TV and eat and converse.

Ahhh, now Monday was nice...I didn't even leave the house! I got to clean!!

Yesterday was Bek's birthday. Annie stayed home from school due to a barking cough. Grandpa came over to help make Bekah's day special and he brought her a new kitchen! She loves it!! It is in our dining area so she can work in her kitchen as I work in mine. After her nap, the girls played and then we went to Albertson's to pick up her cake. The plan was to meet Daddy for pizza (Bek's birthday dinner choice) and then have Finding Nemo cake. That was our plan anyway. We ended up in urgent care due to a urinary tract infection with Bekah (happy birthday huh?) and Annie's continuing bark. We waited for almost an hour and half (though I'm not complaining...thank you Lord for doctors, medicine, and our health insurance). So on we went to drop off a prescription as we're all starving at this point. We didn't make it to Victoria Gardens for pizza as planned. We ended up at Pizza Hut/KFC. Then back to the drug store to pick up the medicine and back home again. Finally we had Nemo cake and got the kids ready for bed. They were both up for much of night off and on with their ailments, so please forgive the lack of creativity in my writing today. I'm a bit tired. Poor Annie missed out on her first field trip today. They were suppossed to ride the school bus to a pumpkin patch, but with her cough, etc. it just didn't work out. My mom came to visit and bring Bek her birthday presents today and we had a nice visit. Both Annie and Bek are beginning to feel better and hopefully our normal lives can resume tomorrow. (sigh)

Thank you to Auntie Lulu and Nettie for the e-cards for Bekah's birthday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was going to call you for an update on Annie's cough but read your article about both of the girls' ailments. I guess that sometimes our best plans get modified. SORRY! I had a nice time eating birthday cupcakes and hanging out. I hope that the girls feel better!