Thursday, October 4, 2007

Thursdays are usually one of my favorite days of the week. It's also one of my busiest "on the go" days as I take Annie to school, attend MOPS, pick up Annie, then head back out in the evening for church. MOPS was again so nice to be a part of today. The speaker addressed the issue of how our adult relationships affect parenting. He described four parenting styles and one which we all agreed is most desireable is "authoritative" which means we treat our children as adults, yet expect them to act like children. We set boundaries in which they are free. The most important aspect of this style of parenting is consistency in discipline. Oh how I've been asking the Lord for help in this area this week. Wisdom in my parenting has been my heart's cry the last few days (its been a wearisome last few days). Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing anything right at all. Then usually the Lord will show me that yes, I am, however not all the time. Consistency...its not easy. Anyway, the speaker talked about the two parents in the home being a team. There should be no "good cop/bad cop" so to speak. It was interesting information and I agreed with everything, for the most part.

We had a good time at church tonight with the youth group. Our cousin, Joser, guest-taught and gave an encouraging message. We also had a girl come in for the first time who just wanted to check things out at the church. She turned out to be such a blessing as she ended up giving her testimony of what the Lord has done in her life and encouragement to the rest of the kids to walk with God even in their young age. I thought this was so great because they need living examples of teenagers who love God and really do live for Him. The young girls in our church just fill my heart with so much joy. You can see a picture of a few of them in this post. There are some who you can just tell really have a hunger and love for Jesus and if they stick to pursuing Him, will be used mightily in His service.

Tomorrow I finally go for my scratch test with the allergist. Yay! Relief is in sight!


Anonymous said...

The day arrived for your test! MOST excellent! Lemme know the details and what the plan will be. Can you beat six shots weekly?!



Laura said...

I just might...I'll write a post all about it in a few minutes.