Saturday, October 13, 2007

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back...

(Big Sigh)...well I thought we were making progress with Bekah, and in some things we are. Bekah will be turning 3 on the 23rd of this month and there are two goals I had hoped to accomplish by then....have her potty trained and have her pacifier done away with. Yes...I know, that pacifier should have been long gone two years ago. But I always had some reason or excuse as to why she still needed it...either we had just moved or she was sick and needed comfort or I didn't want to wake the house (or neighborhood) during the withdrawal period. So anyway, goal number one is almost attained. I am proud to report (and so is Bekah) that she is wearing big girl underwear just like sister! Yay! Although she did pee on me at the dentist's office this morning but I think that was a reaction to her fear (as was biting Dr. Ma's finger) embarrassing. Other than that, we're on our way. As for the other goal, I really thought yesterday we said farewell forever to the muk (yes, we call the pacifier a muk pronounced mook, not something cute like Binky or Paci) as her last one got some holes in it. Bek knew it had to go in the trash and as I held her she reluctantly said "good-bye" and tossed it. I have never seen such a sad face on my little girl. We cried together (I know I'm pathetic) but she loves loves loves her muk. Sleep evaded she and I last night and she was a pretty cranky girl today. After seeing all her sadness and my lack of sleep, I caved and ran to Target about an hour ago to pick up a new package of muks. Hey, at least they were on sale! Her rule is that she can only use them in her bed. So that leaves one happy Rebekah and one frustrated but soon-to-be-rested mommy.


Leti said...

I love it when Bek says she would like a "Muk Session". She will get there. Hope you get some rest, I know she will not that she has her Muk.

Anonymous said...

When Zeekie was finnaly pottie trained just a couple of months ago ( he will be four on the 22 of this month) I was so over jazzed that I threw him a potty party. I think I did it as soon as he took a big step in pottie training which was go in the toilet. He would hold it all day because he didnt want to go in his diaper or the toilet.

When he did I went to the store and got him a small cake that said happy potty party. I got him guumy bears and everytime he went I gave him some gummies.

I hpe it is true that girls are eisier. Calvin was also trannied by four.
