Sunday, September 16, 2007

Today we heard another encouraging message from Peter. We're heading back to the basics and our lesson today was in loving other Christians. It was a good reminder that the evidence of our faith is in the love we show to other believers. There should be a special afffection we have towards our brothers and sisters in the Lord. There were a few key points made on how we can show that love - don't ignore others, don't hold grudges but make every effort to reconcile conflicts, and treat others the way you want to be treated (Matthew 7:12).

I had to post the picture above because I want it forever etched in my mind. Jose has been doing our family devotions in the evening and it is now something the girls look forward to so much. They grab their own Bibles and turn to the story we're in for the evening. Jose prints a coloring page for each of them pertaining to the lesson to work on after the devotion. I'm loving it!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Today I read John 15:9-17 and it so confirmed what Peter taught (God is so good to reiterate what He has told us). Anyhow, in vv. 12,17 He tells us that His commandment is that we love one another. He commands us to do this, probably cause He knows how difficult we can be to love. It sure is good to be reminded and also that Jesus set the ultimate example of love - He died for us while we were yet sinners. There is no greater love than this.

Bek looks so cute with muks and all. I'm praising God for your devotion times. If more families did this I know God would be able to do so much more through us. Because it all starts at home.