Thursday, September 6, 2007

***1st Day of Preschool***

We made it through Annie's much anticipated first day of school. She was excited to go and not excited to leave, so I guess that's a good thing. Right after Jose and I took her to her class she told me she wanted me to leave right then. Well alrighty then! I suppose I'd rather have it that way than the opposite with crying and wanting to stay with me. To make the day special for Bekah as well, Jose and I took her for a little Pho lunch just the 3 of us and then picked Annie up from class. We topped off our special day with a trip to Rite Aide for ice cream...and now the girls are both in bed. Annie is exhausted!! I'm happy to report that she is excited to return to school next week...I hope this enthusiasm continues.

I might add that I've come to discover what a nerd I am at heart. I love school (especially grade school) and everything about it. The classrooms, the crafts, the paper, pens, crayons, paints, lunch pails, stickers, etc. etc. I was even surprised at myself when I was super thrilled to receive the book order form for the month. I think I'm going to enjoy this season I've begun as a mother of a school-age child.


Jess Stevens said...

cute pic of the 2 of you walking hand-in-hand. I'm glad she did so good her first day & hope it continues. BTW - I'm a nerd too!

Laura said...

Yay! I'm not alone!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I'm so glad it went so well and Annie enjoyed her first day!! What wonderful parents you are. You made it such a special day for her!


Anonymous said...

Hey Girl! I am so glad to hear that all went well. BTW, I love reading your blogs. Oh and I am a total nerd too. I never thought I would love being the mommy of a school aged child so much!!

Anonymous said...

better late than never...I love the pix's. What incredible memories you guys are building. I'm amazed that Anne is already going to school. Time, where does it go? You guys are awesome parents!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetheart! I really missed your blogs while I was on my trip and couldn't wait to read about Annie's first day of preschool. Those are great photos. You're an excellent photographer in addition to a fine writer. Maybe you should major in journalism. But, on the other hand, if you love school so much, maybe you should become a teacher like the rest of the family. :)